Comé, nasty.

When I say los and you say las

Me da vergüenza

When I say more and you say less

My bones start to quiver

Tensions rise and the calcium drains

A scream to the left and shout to the right

She searches for praise

When you look out into the layered voices you see the pairs of eyes that you yearn to see curved from a playful smile

Family is layered

Layered holds crys, lives, death, hellos and goodbyes

Malice and secrets but family should be closer yet they can form the longest bonds

Your whisper screams in my ear

The hurtful words aimed at my mother make me question humanity

There’s more to what you say

Just a question could give you a new side where words have more meaning than you think

So think,

Blink twice and say that statement again

1 min
2 cards

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