A Year in the Fulbright Life: Hanna’s Story

For the next year, Fulbright MENA will be showcasing a handful of students as they study in the United States with their new series, A Year in the Fulbright Life. Each month, spotlighted students will share an update as they continue on their Fulbright journey.

July 2018

I was getting ready for traveling. Saying goodbye to family and friends was hard but my friends from work went out to a restaurant in Ramallah before I left.

This is my first time being in the United States and I made it to Syracuse, N.Y. to attend a one month pre-academic program at Syracuse University for Fulbright students. Joining around 40 people from more than 20 countries around the world, it was a wonderful time and contained a lot of learning. I attended a baseball game for the first time in my life and Syracuse won!

9 min
15 cards

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