Virtue & Vice

The battle being waged inside of us is between opposing but not equal sides, the Spirit and the flesh. Ancient Christians taught that when we sow to the Spirit, we reap virtue, and when we sow to the flesh we reap vice.


Virtue forms a ladder leading us upward to God, the vices form a chain bolting us down, making advancement all but impossible.Virtues originate and orientate us to God. They’re not characteristics of man but characteristics of God, His divine attributes. They are habits of God’s kind of love. When they start growing inside us, they keep us in tune with the Trinity.


The vices are habits of a broken soul, we experience them in everyday life as the common forms of egotism, the habits that rule the self-centered person. It is these well worn habits, cemented in our personalities that make loving like God loves impossible.

Jonathan R. Bailey
2 min
9 cards

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