$ grep moniker ~/.gaiad/config/config.tomlmoniker = "KysenPool"
So please be a good Cosmos Network citizen and name your moniker!
Configure the correct internal IP address for the gaiad process to listen on, and open up your firewall to the external IP address to let traffic in!
laddr = "tcp://x.x.x.x:26656/"
Internal IP Address (for config.toml)
echo $(ifconfig | grep -Eo 'inet (addr:)?([0–9]*\.){3}[0–9]*' | grep -Eo '([0–9]*\.){3}[0–9]*' | grep -v '')
External IP Address (for firewall)
curl ifconfig.me
Update the config.toml file and restart gaiad. You’ll start to see nodes finally connecting inwards using
netstat -an | grep tcp
Let your public sentry nodes connect to the others, defaults to max 10 connections (you can tune this too)
Locally attached SSDs are great for performance, but does disk I/O play a huge role?
Block confirmations are seconds and commit/pre-commit propagations are within a seconds as well, can we trade latency (tens of milliseconds) for operational resiliency by using network’ed drives?
Use networked drives (e.g. AWS EBS). If your Cloud provider “decides” to retire your box, you’ll still have your blockchain Level DB available.
Really great guide thanks to folks DigitalOcean here https://www.digitalocean.com/docs/volumes/how-to/format-and-mount/