Crown-Heart-World Discipleship Framework

Discipleship Essentials Introduction

All authority everywhere is mine, so:

Apprentice everyone everywhere.!

1. Immerse them in the revealed Triune (Love God)

2. Teach them to do what I said (Love People)

3. Don’t worry, I’m with you!”

- Jesus’ Great Commission

Quality discipleship is the Holy Grail of Christian living. We all want it. Some of us feel like we have almost had it. Few of us feel like we have had it well enough to confidently provide it for others. I’d like to help change that.

Crown-Hear-World Overview

God’s love shaping our Think/Be/Do cycles shows up in and through our lives to his glory.

Think Death to Life

Be Simple to Deep

Do Now to Next

Love is the Alpha & Omega

Think Death to Life

Life to death is the problem.

Death to Life is the promise.

11 min
7 cards

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