Meet The 10 Terrains

This Series gives you a short summary of each Terrain, providing you with a broad overview of the Ten Terrains Of Consciousness.

Your Terrain of Consciousness is the fundamental way you see reality. It creates the core operating system that you live from. It is underneath all your programs. It is running you. It creates your thoughts, your beliefs, your values. It drives your choices, your actions and your behavior. It underlies your worldview and your entire paradigm. It is the foundation beneath your entire life.

The Ten Terrains exist upon a Continuum of ‘awareness’ moving from separation to Unity. As a person moves along the Continuum, their perception slowly expands by degree from outer to inner, from victimhood to Self Responsibility, from disempowerment to Empowerment, from ego to Service, from isolation to I AM, from illusion to Truth, from control to Surrender, and ultimately, from fear to Love.

Ten Terrains
11 min
15 cards

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