20 LinkedIn AI Interview Questions — Acing the AI Interview

Detailed Blog: https://medium.com/acing-ai/linkedin-ai-interview-questions-acing-the-ai-interview-41028c4b0704

My AI Interview Questions articles for Microsoft, Google, Amazon, Apple, Facebook, Salesforce and Uber have been very helpful to the readers. As a followup, next couple of articles were on how to prepare for these interviews Part 1 and Part 2. Suggestions on showcasing your AI work please visit Acing AI Portfolios. Don’t forget to provide feedback.

1. Given a random generator that produces a number 1 to 5 uniformly, write a function that produces a number from 1 to 7 uniformly.

2. Segment a long string into a set of valid words using a dictionary. Return false if the string cannot be segmented. What is the complexity of your solution?

3. How many lines do you think a LinkedIn users’ daily login table has?

4. How many active members in LinkedIn right now? What is the business model at LinkedIn?

5. How many cubes are exposed in a Rubik’s cube?

Vimarsh Karbhari
2 min
10 cards

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