Let there be color!

Clearly, color improves readability, because it makes a text more easy to understand by drawing attention to key points. Color attracts attention of the reader and helps to find information faster. But it isn’t commonly used in technical writing. So here are some tips that will help you to add colors to your texts.

Don’t use colors randomly.

Plan choosing of the color carefully, your text shouldn’t be like a rainbow. It doesn’t mean that you have to use just one color, but they should match each other. So use highlights when it’s really necessary and you want to call attention. Obviously readers won’t remember that green is for one idea, blue for another idea and so on. In order to facilitate understanding of select colors, you may create an introductory paragraph to describe their meanings.

Be consistent in your choice.

In most cases colors are used in online technical writing documents. Usually blue is using for new hyperlinks, purple for links that the user has already explored. If you’re in creativity mood and choose another color for new links, for example, you must use the same color each time.

Kesi Parker
2 min
9 cards

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