Soul Scribbles


Pouring down on parched places
Heavy drops showered along
Sitting on a place so naive enough
Helped recall things that went on
Walking down the path so far
No sweetness did prolong
Running through countless oceans
Drank so much to dark on
Flying higher was easier I thought
Darkness and me did not go along
Falling from the sky, tougher than I thought
Turned my scary mode on

Pouring down on parched places
Heavy drops showered along

Wimping like a child
I carry on
Staring above I see a bright star
Golden yellow it brightly shone
Lighting my face with a golden glow
Darkness now completely gone
Happening was the place around me now
Burden I had was a thing that passed on
Smiling I looked around
A little leaf did peek upon
This is LIFE I said it on and on!

The Hand…

A soft hand fingered my hair

Alike a master tending a silvery mare…

Such pure was the grace

That caressed my face…

Gentle as a petal

And my fall was fatal…

Lost in thoughts

I was looking for grace in Gods…

So strong was the current

Trying to sweep away from life’s errands…

Glad I was

For this was my cause…

A drop did fall

To bring it to a call…

Dream I was in

Awaken now with endless pain…

Memories of past flowing in vain…

Again a soft hand caresses my face

This time again, it was the breeze from my terrace…

Please come back!!!

Come back to me… I’m so lonely in solitude…

Your love it is

Your talk is my breath

Your thoughts are my wealth

Your anger, my warmth

Your heart, my path

The moment we got apart

I watched my life go in a gentle trot…

Where are you going leaving me here…!

Come back to me... it’s just you in me…

Answer to the love that exists within us

You were the light to my life…

Dark it is, that you’re now gone…

Pain I feel on all my joints,

I have gone numb to the coldness of the new void…

Come back to me!.. To give me a kiss forever…

It’s a heart that loves you so much

Heavy is my heart, for I have failed in love…

Wild rains now pouring down my eyes forming rivers…

And I know it’s the same with you too..

We too live in rivers(of tears) as the fish…

Come back to me!.. Let’s swim to the happy oceans..

Now if we are stopped by traps of religions

And just die, our love dies…

Then just remember this very thing…

If not this world, the heaven is ours..

And even if the heaven sorts us on our religion and castes…

Let’s leave heaven to itself

To make hell our heaven…

Come back here…! Please….

And just die, our love dies…

Then just remember this very thing…

If not this world, the heaven is ours..

And even if the heaven sorts us on our religion and castes…

Let’s leave heaven to itself

To make hell our heaven…

Come back here…! Please….

2 min
4 cards

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