Daily Dose of Darius

In Time we all become our pets.

When I was a kid I grew up in a house at the end of a dead end and when I say dead end I mean it was a not so shallow swamp. All kinds of crazy animals came out of that swamp area. But we had a secret weapon- a big fluffy cat, a Maine coon cat named Shah-he looked regal-And this black furry cat was an absolute bad ass ninja Hunter. It was like if you took the. most ferocious Lion and miniaturized it and then made it fluffy to disguise it’s bad assery. That was Shah. Anyway this cat killed for fun. Mice rats birds anything that crossed its path and if the rodent got inside the house-god save it-he would play with the carcass like a demented Batman villain for hours.

I learned that the settlers from Europe had used Maine coon cats on their voyages over to kill the rodents that would crop up with the large amount of food and grain they had to bring for the trip. After watching Shahs daily routine that made complete sense to me. pretty much dozens and dozens of animals met their demise in our yard over the years and it was my usually disgusting job to bury them. So the cat and me had a funny relationship because he would drag the kill to our back door and stay there, with conviction, until I came out with the shovel and recognized the kill. The cat knew he couldn’t bring it inside, cats are not stupid, he never even tried. He just left to kill there for me to bury all mangled. Now he did this all the time. He would stay out there in the rain until I came out and saw his kill then he would relinquish it and go inside and eat Friskies. Now I mention this story because I’m sort of doing the same thing but for me-it’s my songs-and I’m dragging songs to peoples back door-I just want them to hear them, look at them, bat them around a little, maybe recognize them as good, smile at me and then I’ll go inside and eat Friskies. Basically I’m Shah. And you guys are lucky you don’t have to bury a headless mouse.

darius alaie
2 min
5 cards

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