Daily Meditations on Product Work

November 11, 2018

Here’s why process matters, in crude, but simple math (as proven by studies):

Person A’s intelligence: 1
Person B’s intelligence: 3
Person C’s intelligence: 1
Team intelligence: 5+

Where’s the extra come from? The right norms and process that are intelligence enablers. Implement the wrong process and behavior examples, and there’s no extra — even worse, your rockstar 3 in the example above? Bad process turns them in to a 2, actually lowering your individual team member’s capability.

September 10, 2018

I think a big part of why our relationships with partners and team become strained is that we’re switching between decision-making modes and choices adherent to cooperative game theory and competitive game theory based upon our moods and circumstances.

If in one moment you’re looking for a way to win that’s best for you at a particular partner’s cost and then in another looking for the best outcome for everyone including that same partner, your relationships are bound to be strained

September 9, 2018

It’s often expected that a product person be passionate about their industry or product, and I agree that’s a great trait to have.

However, it’s what you need to get in the door, not a guarantee that you will succeed. Product must also have passion for the execution of their product within their industry.

Cody Musser
13 min
55 cards

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