Digitalia Moralia

What your hard drive reveals about you — and software design

So, why do Windows and macOS developers still bother with folders? Why does Evernote still use stacks? Why does OneNote replicate a typical, traditional, old-fashioned paper notebook? One explanation would be, so that my generation can still feel at home. Another one could be that humans need to categorise, in a more or less Aristotelian manner.

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Have you already bought domain names with your children’s names?

While recently purchasing yet more personal domain names to point to my website I was tempted to think about the future and therefore run a search for domain names with my children’s names. Some are still available, others not. So, should I buy the ones available and place alerts for the other ones just in case?

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Fact-checking on the Internet: Do we still need encyclopaedias?

Impulsive fact-checking is a natural human need: Leather-bound encyclopaedias were stockpiled in the libraries of the elites; Guinness Books of Records were purchased by pubs. However, within twenty-years internet search made all of that redundant. Was this a change without consequences? Apart from a decline in quality, once used extensively in this manner the internet may be confused with a know-it-all machine. This risk is higher in my generation, that was not raised with it but has adopted the internet with the uncritical enthusiasm of the neophyte.

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Vagelis Papakonstantinou
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