UK: Guidance for candidates

Disclaimer: doesn’t offer immigration advise. Please refer to specialists regarding the immigration procedures.

1. Before you apply

Before applying for vacancy published on please make sure you can meet requirements of the UK “point based system”. More information on requirements can be found here:

Please familiarize yourself with the application process before starting using the platform. More you know about application process — more likely you receive an offer from employer.

2. Prove of Language Skills

Apart from offer and COS (certificate of sponsorship) from employer you must meet requirements of English language skills). We strongly advice you to upload the prove of the skills (certificates, diploma, etc) when you will be filling up personal account details. More information about it can be found here:

Please note: if you can’t meet the requirements yet, there is no point to apply for a job position as you application will be rejected.

3. Register on the platform

Use the link to register on the platform:

Please provide as more detailed information as possible regarding your career experience, language skills, education.

As soon as your account is up and running you can use the search engine to find career opportunity in industry you are interested in.

It may be very useful for you to set up notification for new careers published in specific industries. The system than will automatically notify you about new career opportunities.

Don’t forget to check our blog for news and to learn more about life in the UK. Team
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