All Jobs Go To Heaven: Prologue

This Series is a teaser to my upcoming post, All Jobs Go To Heaven, wherein we’ll discuss the inevitability of permanent unemployment.

Here, we’ll walk through a chart built to address the argument over whether technology creates or kills jobs.

Let’s build a chart on human progress. The x-axis speaks to Automation: work made unnecessary. The y-axis speaks to Innovation: work made possible.

Any line moving along this chart will move through progress. If it were a time-based chart, and we were never to progress over time, we would be a dot.

Let’s add some points of reference:

The point of origin for both Automation and Innovation is Absolute Manual Labor.

While it’s likely this world never existed for man, it’s an environment where all work is done in its most primitive form: if you need food, you hunt down an animal. Not with tools or techniques, not through the shared intelligence or strategy of a group, not with the benefit of experiential wisdom. Just raw work.

You see, you chase, you catch, you kill, you eat, you meet your need.

Mitch Turck
4 min
22 cards

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