Impromptu Poems

I search

I look for you in the silence of my mind,
In the idols at the temple at the shrine;

In the air thick at the shore of this city,
In the smells of sterile offices clean;

In the lumps of thoughts I swallow down my throat,
In the colours of life I can’t see everyday;

In the words out of the mouth of strangers,
In the silent exchanges of co-travellers.

In the vast of the world I create outside my mind,
In the smallest space of hope I derive in sigh.

I search for you.
Knowing that you don’t exist.
I search for you.
Knowing that you’ll never exist.
I search for you.
And maybe one day, you show up.

Green Grass Breaths

Here I am, on the greener grass, without a fence around;
Trying to throw up words on a screen with keyboard with keys round.

Imagining how festivals bring people together,
And how I relish solitude, I’m not one of the “birds of a feather”.

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