Party America

I recently finished writing a novel about love and friendship called Party America.

Writing it was hard, but editing it was a much more difficult, humbling, and time consuming process.

In the course of editing I’d read something I wrote months, or sometimes years before, and question where I’d come up with it.

Here are some of my favorite lines from the book.

I’m working on whether or not I want to self-pub, try for an agent, or simply be content with having finished it.

If you want a copy of the manuscript, let me know.


“When the world is truncated to one hundred and forty characters, when our interactions with the world happen through a screen, and when love starts with a swipe on a picture, all that’s left is a blinking cursor where humanity used to be.”

“Love isn’t a battlefield, it’s an unadulterated cunt.”

Merlin B. Love
8 min
45 cards

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