New nomads

If I change the focus of my memory, I realise I’ve always been this: a nomad.

I always wondered “why being a biped if not using our ability to walk from one place to another?” We’re not like trees in that respect. And that question arisen in my childhood will continue to accompany me.

Now that I read Mark Lundegren’s views on nomadism and how it heals us up, I do see the life through this lens: nomadism is my true nature, despite my cultural background and my education. I’m this: a nomad. And the way of life it supposes is justified with this childish view: I have two legs to get around and wherever I feel better.

Now I’ve started walking, meeting nature and discovering otherness, I have deeper relationships with humans and wildlife than ever.

Now I start this serie of short posts to exchange and learn from others, nomads or not.

2 min
5 cards

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