Holiday poems

For the woman who danced

I saw you dancing in the ferry queue,

frowning impatience of waiting sliding

like dew off the curving neck of a swan,

as curved as your hips, as your song.

You shook it off and danced.

Step, step, turn.

And as I watched I forgot for a moment

the churning of my stomach like storms,

the distant windows of my eyes,

the haunting ghosts of my fears.

I saw you dancing in the ferry queue

and I wished I was dancing with you

She stops the tides

She sings at the sea,

roars to the waves like a mermaid

fighting oceans from the shore.

No man can hold back the tide,

but she could.

Time holds still at the tips of her toes.

Stop, wait and then wash,

tumbling over us and all is changed.

An instant of growing.

A moment of remembering

that shall not be forgot.


Though she is not always a cruel sea

you will find no warmth in her marble

foam, her stone waves, her iron

that cuts the line of the horizon

like a knife across steel skies.

Yet we come here, pilgrims

staring into her hungry distance,

to her pebbled shores to stand

and hear in her thunderous song

the storm-forged heartbeat of our land

Jeepers McCoy
1 min
5 cards