How To Launch A Product — The Real-Life Screw Up Version

Introduction to this series

Here’s an honest and transparent account of my journey of trying to take a product I’ve spent 5 months creating and testing, and trying to turn it into a global success.

I’m a few weeks away from launch, you are entering the story in the midst of it all.

…I don’t know how this ends.

“I always wished there was a document of the details of how the world’s most exciting products started.

Those early moments of what the creators went through when they put them out to the world. So I could learn from their failures, and borrow from their successes.

So here is my own attempt at doing that.”


P.S. If this is the first you’ve heard of me — my expertise is in marketing, I have a Medium top story all about it here. That will give you all you need.

Let me get you up to speed. I’m Jasky and I’m on the verge of launching a product.

In this next series of posts I’m going to experiment with documenting my entire journey while trying to launch a product. With high hopes of achieving some widespread success.

It is likely to be the most value I can possibly bring to you all.

That’s not hyperbole, I really mean it!

In 30 days I’m hoping to plan and execute a product launch that has taken me 5 months to get ready for the market.

Very short background to give some perspective...

Having lost someone dear to me recently, I realised the lack of time we all have and when we do get to spend moments with those close to us — it should result in something meaningful.

So I spent 2 years developing an app to try to get people together in more meaningful ways (spent $11,000, a lot of time, and heartache doing it) and pulled the plug late 2016.

Believe me it was heartbreaking…

Then, long story short, after lots of self loathing, instead of trying to get people together more often, I realised, why not make the times people get together just more valuable?

So I created a game. A card game that leads to people have life-changing conversations. Skipping the small talk and getting past the surface.

I’ll give you all the details on this product in my next post.

So this is where you enter the story

I’m going to give you all the VIP insiders guide on the journey and show you all what you rarely ever get to see:

  • the insights of the planning,
  • the marketing strategies,
  • the launch,
  • the hurdles and how to overcome them, and,
  • the intricate details of how to take a product from nothing to something.

The journey you don’t normally get to be a part of.


Well, it will help you save a tonne of time, maybe get a breakthrough you can apply to your own ideas…

…and will be something valuable for your own projects unlike these $10,000 online courses because it is REAL WORLD and happening right now. Instead of high level theory after the fact.

And in all honesty, I’m doing this also from a self-motivated perspective.

By the fact that I can get real time feedback from all of you smart folk and hopefully help the product succeed more than I can do alone.


There’s a hashtag for you.

But here’s the hard part.

It is slight nerve-racking pressing “publish” on this post,

Because once I do, I put myself on the line. This big claim, this big idea…

I can claim to be a great marketer, I can claim to know about business, and product design bla bla. But as I write this, I know once I press “publish” if I screw up, it is in plain sight for everyone to see.

But, I recognise that is being selfish, so for the greater good, and through my f*** ups it’ll be a benefit for you all.

Even if it shows you how NOT to do it.

So next in this series I’ll tell you all about the product and my plan

Aka. How I plan to make this happen.

Otherwise, hey let’s see how it all goes, we’ll find out together. I’ve got that unnerving and exciting feeling of “who knows what will happen.”

So…my friends…we’ll find out together.

Your mate,

Drop me an email anytime, your input could change the trajectory of this journey:

Jasky Singh
60 min
16 cards

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