How to use StableCoins to Your Advantage.

How to use StableCoins to Your Advantage.

How to Protect your Assets.

When trading, it’s hard enough to correctly time one market let alone two. The last thing anyone wants is to watch investment profits disappear before their eyes.

“Typical” Cryptocurrency Exchange Steps are as follows;

Stop Loss Method.

To stop loss in a volatile cryptocurrency market, simply exchange digital currency for StableCoins. Use ‘hedging’ and ‘harvesting’ (discussed later) to gain a profit in a declining market.


Every two to three minutes the overall value changes 10 to 20%. A portfolio can take a hit while waiting for Bitcoin to send from one exchange to another. It typically only takes ten minutes for a transfer. That is, unless the exchange platform is experiencing heavy volume and it takes an extra five minutes to process the send. If the exchange is backed up, chances are the Bitcoin network is as well, this can add another five or more minutes per transaction.

We’ve all been there… You keep refreshing the page while the exchange waits for enough confirmations to consider it approved. Now you can START to trade it for fiat! NOW your profits are safe!

A few minutes here, a few minutes there… it all adds up. In that 10 to 20, maybe 30 minutes, what’s happened to the price of Bitcoin? A lot.

A “whale”, another ban from China, or CNBC reporting “Bitcoin Died (Again) Today” can show a 30% decrease in your portfolio. Stablecoins, while certainly not guaranteed to hold their value, provide a much more likely way to solidify profits. Using them to as a method to stop loss during market dips can save a trader a great deal of loss.

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