i.s.o. SUNSHINE…… a year in search of…

Have Sunscreen. Will Travel.

in search of sunshine……

Sunshine brings me to life and encourages me to blossom., like a flower but hat’s probably about the only thing about me that resembles a flower. Sometimes I’m like a cactus, all stoic and prickly. Sometimes I’m like a shoe, just functional and slightly worn and sometimes I slay.

This series was originally posted as a blog in 2016–2017. I chronicled what was going on with me during a difficult time, when I decided to separate from my husband of 17 years. It’s not a series about marriage or separation because my experience doesn’t belong just to me. This is about me, who I was and what I was learning at that moment in time.

These are my thoughts, feels, observations and the conversations going on in my head but my family may not be down with sharing theirs so while I share my stuff the characters who populate my life will be appearing under assumed names (consider it a form of witness protection)

At the time I was a mother, wife, daughter, sister and friend, and I still am. I am a woman. I am a work in progress.

Welcome To Dubuque

So let me give you a little background on my family. My mom has a three brothers, grew up in a lovely community in a Iowa and moved to Washington D.C. as a teen when her father took a big, big job in the government (no he wasn’t the president but he was one the president’s men). It was a big transition, I mean think about it….we have our kids practicing on COMBINATION LOCKS for middle school for god’s sake and she moved from Iowa to the society circles of DC.

My dad also came from a lovely town in the mid-west. he and his sister had an upper middle-class upbringing and he came to D.C. for college and then law school. That’s how my parents met. this story is about my mom’s family, though.

All the kids grow up, get married and have children of their own resulting in me and my nine cousins. insert swirly time travel sequence and i’m grown, getting married and the rest of the cousins are all in various stages of childhood and teenage years. My grandfather dies and his final wishes dictate that he be buried in his small hometown cemetery overlooking the corn fields in Iowa. It’s lovely and he wants to go back to rest among his family roots. We all fly to Chicago and take a bus for the drive to Dubuque, Iowa. Because he died in May we are able to house the whole clan in the just emptied dorms of a small local college. it’s weird, staying in a college dorm with your whole extended family. #bathrooms #bunkbeds but the whole trip is a little outside the norm.

My grandmother is so sad. My grandfather was her best friend, truly her partner is an adventurous life and we are all on best behavior for her. We have a reception and a mass and a lovely graveside service. Did I mention that most of this family can perform? I mean musically. My cousin who was about 8 at the time, whips out a trumpet (I have no idea where he was hiding it), and belts out the theme from Titanic.as we climb aboard the bus headed for the luncheon. He’s a class act, creative and ballsy. He’s actually very successful in legal marijuana business now. I’m hoping he still remembers me.

Insert another swirly time travel sequence and my grandmother passes away just shy of her 90th birthday (we had a party for her in advance though so she was ready). It’s understood that we will all go back to Dubuque and lay her to rest next to my grandfather.

This time it’s different. I’m an actual grown-up mom with three kids (who I’ve left at home), my sister has two and the cousins are all in millenials enjoying a variety of life achievements. We live all over the country now so we all fly in and meet at O’hare, in Chicago.

The bus is waiting for us. It seems even odder now somehow. less like a field trip, probably because we are all legitimate adults. We all feel a little embarrassed and #partridge family. But with a quick glance around to make sure no one knows us we gamely climb aboard our motor coach once again. …….fun fact: what’s the difference between a bus and a motor coach? The latter has the storage areas underneath and usually has a bathroom…..which is #handy when you go everywhere as a group of 21.

Hugs, cheek pecks, some pretense that everyone is getting along and we’re off! There was some singing, some guitar playing and a random adult cousin that I never knew about. She is very nice, a little quirky and not shy at all greeting everyone with a bowl full of Erma Bombeck cherries and hand-made friendship bracelets for all of us. Ohhh Kaay. It was announced that we would be stopping at the Belvedere Oasis for lunch. Cue murmurs of ooooh …..that sounds nice…..not bad……cool, lunch…..better than i thought….i hope i can wear jeans there. insert visions of water feature. Surprise! The Belvedere Oasis is a rest stop. Yup, just like on the NJ turnpike back at home. We are all hangry so off we scatter for our chick’fil’a and taco bell.

After dining at the Oasis, we bumped along to Dubuque where we engjoyed three days of unexpected family time including a country club reception, a trolley tour, photo ops along the great Mississippi and rolling into the local dinner club parking lot in our grand motor coach. It was an adventure with some tears and a lot more laughs and old connections rekindled and new ones forged.

Since then I’ve had the pleasure of finding the unexpected text, the email or Facebook post from aunts and cousins I hadn’t seen in years and I have released the hurt and anger from old stuff that sometimes I drag around behind me. That trip we laid to rest the last family member of the greatest generation and we rediscovered what is great about all the generations that follow.

Thanks for the Memories

I recently had a unique adventure over the hills and next to the river …Mississippi..with 21 family members and a full-size motor coach. When i finally arrived home i had a lot to be thankful for. Here is a list.

Thank you Ed and Naola for teaching me the importance of a thank you note, and to Jimmy Fallon for reminding me that they aren’t just for gifts that you can open

Thank you to my family for reminding me that we go way back… even further than some of us knew and we can still create connections as we grow up and change.

Thank you, Ron, for driving and for letting us use your motor coach.

Thank you American Airlines for sending 6 mechanics to “tighten the loose valve” on the flight that ended up getting canceled after we got on and back off.

Thank you gate agent who did your best not to cry in public and re-book 134 not that patient passengers

Thank you American Airlines for finally getting me out on the 4th flight I tried out of O’hare (#OHELLNO) and giving me the middle seat in the very back row so that I could enjoy a brief massage every time someone flushed the lavatory on the other side of my seat even though I paid $40 for an exit row on my cancelled flight. I know beggars can’t be choosers

Thank you to my pilot for your honesty when you explained that we didn’t have enough fuel to last for the entire hold over La Guardia so we were diverting to JFK instead. It’s cool that you didn’t just make up something more comforting.

Thank you for explaining that after we waited for a gate we could “gas up” and fly over to La Guardia from JFK. Most people don’t get that opportunity so I felt special

Thank you for the safety of the flight attendants who hid in the rear galley while passengers boisterously expressed their opinions about this turn of events. …Turns out, not everyone felt as special as I did

Thank you to our captain, again, for taking that into account and letting us know that whoever wanted to get off could, and the rest could fly to La Guardia…. then letting us know that our luggage would be “displayed” at JFK so if we wanted our stuff we had to get off.

Thank you to the gate agent who told us to go to ticketing for more information at 11:00 pm when was totally closed with no live people anywhere to be found..not much luck getting answers on how to get to La Guardia where we had rides and cars parked.

Thank you for the website “where’s my suitcase.com”.

Thank you to my children who always let me know that I am in their thoughts even when i’m away.

Thank you Verizon Unlimited plan for unlimited texting (see above thank you).

Thank you, Ellen Degeneres for sending Amy and Andy to the haunted house on Halloween so that I could watch the Youtube clip over and over and laugh until I couldn’t breathe because really, laughter is always the best medicine


note to american airlines….maybe you should keep that clip in the system so you can play it in these situations.

Erin Alvino
54 min
15 cards

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