I Won’t Say It

I won’t say it, but I’ll tell you to not place yourself in harms way.

I won’t say it, but I’ll pray for your safety.

I won’t say it, but I’ll forego sleep just to talk to you and hear about your day.

I won’t say it, but I’ll always want the best for you even if it means the worst for me.

I won’t say it – Even when it overwhelms me.

I won’t say it, but I’ve loved you more than you could ever know or imagine.

I won’t say it, but I’ve been consumed by the thoughts of you and I.

I won’t say it, but it’s not easy letting go of you when I’ve held on for so long.

I won’t say it, but I’ll never feel this way about you, again.

I won’t say it.

And you won’t hear it from me.

1 min
2 cards

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