In-Tolerance: Coming Together


Cyara laid on her hard bed staring up at the cracked ceiling fretting over her uncle’s return. The hours were passing by slowly but she knew she was safer the later it got. The sound of the front door banging open startled her. It was not a good sign. She knew her uncle was drunk and angry.

“Boy!” His voice echoed through their small home.

It angered her. It wasn’t because she physically was a boy, but more the derogatory tone he put it in. She never let him see it angered her because it would only make things worse so she kept her composer and pushed herself up out of bed. She shuffled out of the room. As soon as she stepped into the living room she felt the stinging crack across her face from him backhanding her.

“Those fucking whores,” he grumbled. “They raised their prices on me. They said I drank my monies away but I know better.”

Cyara stood silently listening to his rant. She knew what was coming and she was already preparing herself. Her mind was locking the conscious part of her away in its corner while the rest of her did what it must in order for her to survive.

The conscious part drifted to thoughts of her mother. Her mother had known about How Cyara felt even before Cyara did. She also was sympathetic. Unfortunately a virus had taken her life and since her father had died when Cyara was real young it left her uncle as next of kin. He proved to be a cruel, selfish man.

Once her uncle passed out, Cyara ran to her room and cried herself to sleep. In the morning, she woke early. She was out of the house before her uncle was awake. She was headed to see her best friend.

Eve had been born a girl and accepted it but part of her secretly wished she was a boy. The two of them were the only ones who knew each other’s secrets.

“Oh Cyara,” Eve, a short, busty young lady, sympathized when she saw Cyara’s busted lip. “Come. I have been thinking about it. I have an idea you might enjoy.”

Cyara was curious. She attempted to sort out what Eve might be thinking as the pair ran together into Eve’s family barn. Eve scampered up a ladder into the barn’s loft. Cyara quickly followed, still trying to figure out Eve’s plan.

Without saying a word, Eve grabbed hold of the dress she was wearing and pulled it up over her head. Cyara watched, enthralled by Eve’s body. The shorter woman stood before Cyara holding the dress she was naked except for a pair of panties. Cyara wondered what it would be like to have her own set of breasts such as Eve’s with their puffy nipples.

“Come on, silly. Take off your clothes and put this on.” Eve seemed to giggle as she spoke.

Cyara eagerly complied, pulling her shirt off then stripping off her pants before slipping the dress over her head. “Oh this is wonderful!”

Spinning, Cyara felt the bottom of the dress whirl up off her legs then settle back down. She ran her hands over the dress feeling it hug her body. Eve had been right; she was enjoying wearing the dress.

“May I look at it?” Eve asked as Cyara came to a stop a huge smile across her face.

“What?” Cyara asked, feeling confused.

Eve looked to the ground blushing, “Your penis. I’ve never seen one up close.”

“Uh. Sure.” Cyara lifted the dress up to her waist.

Eve got down on her hands and knees. Her eyes were fixated at the mushroom head phallic sticking out of the dark hair surrounding it. It twitched under the scrutiny of her gaze.

“May I touch it?”

“Yes,” Cyara answered.

With a tentative hand, Eve reached forward running her fingertips over its head. The penis twitched even more causing Eve to giggle a little. She ran her fingertips along the shaft. Her fingers slid into Cyara’s pubic hairs which followed around down to the balls.

“It feels like the hair I have down below.” Eve commented.

Eve followed the hair around to Cyara’s balls. She caressed them gently, rolling them with care around in her hand. Cyara’s penis was growing longer and thicker the more Eve caressed her. The tip was beginning to glisten.

“What is happening?” Eve asked leaning in closer. “Does this feel good? Are you getting hard?”

“Yes.” Cyara spoke softly unable to deny how it felt. “I may not like it much, but it still fully functions.”

“Oh.” Eve had stopped touching it and was just staring as the penis continued to harden, “Can I stroke you?”

“Uh huh.”

Eve wrapped her hand around the shaft and slowly began to stroke. Cyara gave a little moan as Eve took her other hand, placing it under her balls slowly fondly them. The glistening head seemed to call to Eve as she licked the tip. Cyara shivered with pleasure. Eve giggled. She wrapped her mouth around the head, licking it more. Cyara moaned louder. Inch by inch Eve took the penis into her mouth getting it nice and wet until she was at the base nearly choking. Eve felt Cyara twitching more and more in her throat.

Pulling her mouth off the penis, she left it moist for her hand. She grabbed hold and stroked faster. Cyara’s breathing became heavier. Eve went full up the shaft and over the head before twisting back down. She continued to stroke harder and faster.

“Oh.” Cyara moaned, “It’s going to burst.”

Eve didn’t stop her stroking as it pulsated before exploding. Cum shot out hitting Eve in the face and her breast. She began to giggle then licked the last bits off the tip.

“Mmm that was nice.” Eve spoke through her giggles.

“What is this? A slut and a boy in a dress?” A male voice spoke from behind Eve.

Cyara dropped the hem of the dress. Eve scrambled to grab Cyara’s shirt so that she could cover herself. Cyara caught sight of five boys who had climbed up into the loft with them. The lead boy was taller than Cyara’s five foot nine inch height and had a cruel look on his face. He drew closer to Cyara and without warning punched her in the gut dropping her to her knees.

“So you want to be a girl?” The boy asked, leaning down towards Cyara. “We’ll show you what it means to be a girl.”

Eve had attempted to charge the lead boy, but two of the boys had grabbed hold of her. She was continuing to struggle as they fondled her breasts. The lead boy pushed Cyara face first onto a bail of hay as two other boys grabbed hold of her arms pinning her down. Cyara stayed focused on Eve wanting to get free and help her.

Cyara felt pressure then pain in her bottom. She screamed feeling like she was being torn apart. Eve fought harder yanking herself free of the boys. She stumbled, falling over the edge of the loft. Cyara heard a thud and screamed even louder in anger. She felt an energy growing inside her. It felt like it needed to be released so Cyara gave in letting the energy explode out of her.

The energy shot forth hitting the three boys around her and tossing them away. It hit the other two who were looking over the edge at Eve’s body and tossed them over the edge. Being free, Cyara quickly headed towards the ladder. She shot down the ladder and raced over to Eve. She ignored the boys laying around them.

Eve was still. Blood ran from her ears, nose, and mouth. Tears streamed from Cyara’s eyes. Her friend was gone. They had killed her. Cyara held her tight for a few moments before fear took her. She knew the two boys on the ground were dead but she didn’t know how the other three were up in the loft.

Cyara stood shakingly. She hurried out of the barn stumbling away. She felt blood running down her legs and her gut hurt horribly. Tears continued to stream down her face, but she managed to make it back to her house and into her uncle’s workshop where he was a cobbler.

“What the hell!” Her uncle exclaimed.

Cyara’s voice stammered, “I was attacked.”

“And they forced you into a dress. You are dirty. Leave!” Her uncle’s voice was cruel and violent as he threw a shoe at her.

The heavy soled shoe struck her in the head splitting her eyebrow open. Stumbling away from the house, the tears came harder. She hated the man but he was supposed to be family and he had rejected her. She felt lost with nowhere to go. Feeling the blood between her legs and on her face Cyara decided that she should go see the healer.

Cyara stumbled down the street. People stared at her but no one stopped. She reached the healers home and knocked on the door. Cyara had known the healer for a very long time. The healer had attempted to save her mother when she had gotten sick.

The door opened, “Adam. Come in. What happened?”

The healer ushered Cyara into the home as she attempted to tell her what had happened. “They attacked me. They killed Eve.”

“Ok, Adam. Calm down. Breathe.” The healer spoke trying to get Cyara to relax. “Where do you hurt?”

“They punched me,” Cyara began attempting to tell her where she hurt. “Please call me Cyara.”

The healer hurried over to her cabinet and pulled out a tincture. She poured a little from the tincture into a cup and set the kettle to boil. While it heated up to boil she asked Cyara for details of what happened and her injuries. When the kettle was done, the healer poured the water into the cup and insisted Cyara drink it. Cyara complied and as she drank it she became sleepy until she fell asleep into a dream.

Orange filled her vision before it finally cleared leaving a fire burning before her. The warmth spread across her face as she realized she felt a mug in her hands. She looked down seeing the ale within and catching sight of cleavage. It was real cleavage from actual breasts. They were perfectly sized and the most beautiful sight she had ever seen. Even though she knew she was dreaming part of her still felt that they were truly part of her.

She smiled looking back up the fire. Just to the left of the fire sat another woman with hair that nearly matched the fire, who she noted was built a bit bigger chested, but shorter than herself. The woman was smiling at her in a more than friendly way. It made her feel good, wanted. She couldn’t help but smile back at the woman.

A hand brushed her right shoulder as a man walked past her. He asked her something as he sat down off to the right. She knew that she responded, but her words and his made no sense to her. She did know however that she felt attracted to the man as much as she had felt for the woman and he seemed to be smiling at her in the same way the woman had been. He was tall. She guessed about six foot which was a few inches taller than her. He had dark hair, but not black like her raven colored hair, and had a tightly trimmed beard.

The three of them were having a conversation together, but she still couldn’t understand what they were saying. What she did get was that they were very comfortable with each other. It was the happiest she had ever felt and she wished she could stay in the dream forever. Unfortunately the dream faded away and sleep took over.


Dracos stood straight to his full six feet in height mentally watching everything while his eyes stayed focused ahead. He was dragon kin and despised by most . Dark green scales that matched his eyes covered his shoulders and upper chest as well as his outer forearms. He was doing his duty as a protector. He also did what he was told after all he was merely a slave bound to the royal family to protect and serve. He might be a highly trained, deadly slave but a slave nonetheless.

His charge was the princess who he served since they both were children, first as a playmate then, after training, a full fledged protector. Princess Leah definitely took full advantage of Dracos having to serve her. That was what he was doing standing with his eyes focused on her. She was bathing in her large copper tub. Her perky, nubile breasts just above the water line. One of her ladies-in-waiting scrubbed her body while the other rinsed out her long, blonde hair.

“Oh Dracos, you stoicism makes me laugh,” Leah gave a light laugh as she stood.

“Yes princess.” Dracos spoke noticing beads of water rolling down the slope of her breast to drip off the tip of her pert nipples.

He saw it all. His training, however, allowed him to not react. When she first began to mature into her womanhood and started the orders of him watching her no matter her state of dress it had been difficult. Those days had humored her especially since he was a few years older and already been heading into his maturity.

Leah’s ladies took towels to dry her as she stepped out of the water. Afterwards they perfumed her with a flowery fragrance and dressed her in a silk robe which she didn’t bother cinching closed. Her breasts remained exposed as did her tightened stomach and her long legs. Dracos couldn’t deny that she was gorgeous.

Leading the way, Leah walked out into her bedroom that was large enough to serve as a sitting room as well. A gigantic four poster bed sat in the far corner at an angle to the corner. To its right was a pair of doors leading to her balcony and to the left was a large fireplace. Several chairs and a large couch sat in the middle of the room around a large, brown rug.

“After a stressful day like today I need to relax and release some tension,” her coy tone contradicted her actions as she slid onto the couch with her back against the armrest and her left leg propped up exposing her tightly trimmed bush and glistening lips. “Wouldn’t you agree it was stressful, Dracos?”

“I’m a simple servant dedicated to protect. It is not my place to understand the proceedings of the day.” Dracos answered diplomatically knowing full well where her mind was going, since it wasn’t uncommon, and he knew it had nothing to do with the stress of the day.

Leah laughed, “Oh come now. I know you better than that, but that doesn’t matter. There are other matters to attend to so everyone get naked. Ella lay down on the rug. Mira get that ass in the air and bury your face in her. Dracos get yourself ready.”

Ella was a long haired brunette with a shy cuteness that paired well with her small chest and slim trim. She obediently laid on the rug on her back spreading her legs for Mira’s attention. Mira was short with a bit of a round body that included a large pair of breasts and a plump ass. Kneeling before Ella, she lowered her face down to gently lick along Ella’s awaiting pussy allowing her ass to rise up into the air.

Dracos stood behind Mira stroking his cock nice and hard. He still kept his mind assessing the room, but his eyes stayed focused on Leah who was watching them all eagerly. Her left hand had made its way between her legs so she could rub herself.

Leah’s blue eyes met Dracos’s dark green as she practically whispered, “Fuck Mira and slap that plump ass. Make it jiggle with your thrusts.”

Dracos knelt down, his cock fully erect, and positioned himself behind Mira. He smacked her ass causing her to whimper into Ella’s pussy. Ella moaned at the sound. Lining himself up, Dracos thrust himself deep into Mira. His hips smacked against her ass from his full penetration. Mira let out a heavy moan as Dracos progressed to thrusting in and out of her. Ella couldn’t help but respond with her own moans.

Dracos continued pounding Mira hard and fast. He watched Leah on the couch rubbing her clit while frequently thrusting into herself. He could see she was very wet.

“Cum in her.” Leah spoke in a breathy voice.

Dracos took a couple more thrusts before pulling out until his head was barely between her lips before thrusting forward releasing his load into Mira setting off a chain reaction of orgasms. Mira screamed her orgasmic release into Ella’s vagina which in turn sent Ella over the edge into a quivering orgasm.

Leah responded to the sight by rubbing faster with her left and giving her breasts a slight twist with her right which sent her over the edge into a large orgasm. Dracos watched her reach up massaging her breasts. He was awaiting her next orders.

“Good.” Leah’s words were breathy, “Mira straddle Ella’s face. Make sure you turn towards Dracos and clean his cock. Get him hard again. Ella, clean her up with your tongue.”

Ella obediently licked Dracos’s cum out of Mira’s dripping pussy. Mira couldn’t help herself. She moaned, vibrating Dracos’s cock in her mouth. Dracos willed his cock to harden in her mouth while he kept his eyes on Leah. She was smiling at the sight. Her hands roaming across her pussy lips, playing with her juices.

“Very good. Now ladies get dressed and leave,” Leah ordered.

Dracos stepped away from the ladies awaiting his own orders. He wouldn’t dress until Leah told him so he stood his cock hard and pointed away from him. He knew she wanted him to stay hard. It was long before the ladies were dressed and out of the room.

Leah rose from the couch slipping the robe off her shoulders, “Stand at the foot of the bed. Eyes on me.”

Dracos followed the order. His eyes remained locked on Leah as she walked towards him, hips swaying seductively. She stopped before him. With all her strength she slammed her palms against his chest knocking him back onto the bed. Climbing onto the bed, Leah straddled him, her pussy dripping down onto his cock just below her.

Leah lowered herself consuming his cock down to it’s base. She started slowly. Grinding down on his cock she rotated her hips. Dracos laid watching her enjoy his cock. Her movements quickened. Up and down she moved grinding herself down his cock. Her hands slammed down onto his chest as she quickened her pace even more. Nails dug into his chest. Her breathing was heavy as she moaned in pleasure. One last thrust brought her fully down on him sending an exploding orgasm tearing through her body causing her to dig her nails into his chest piercing his skin. It wasn’t the first time as small scars showed.

A few moments passed as she was catching her breathe before she slapped his face hard, “How dare you fuck the princess!”

“I do as ordered, princess.”

She slapped him again then laughed while she climbed off him, “Clean yourself up. I’m going to sleep.”

Dracos rose from the bed, gave the room a quick assessment, then headed over to the opposite of the door to the balcony. In the corner of the room was a changing screen. Behind the screen was a cot where Dracos slept. He wiped off his chest and dressed. Turning back to the room he gave it one more look over. Leah was already asleep. Dracos laid down in his cot holding on to his sword and scabbard as he fell asleep.

An orange blurriness filled his vision as he dreamed. The orange glow began to resolve itself into a fire. He was sitting holding a mug of ale. He noticed across from him was a buxom woman with flame colored hair. She smiled at him and winked then turned her head to her right. He followed her gaze where it landed on a long legged, raven hair woman. She was amazing looking. They were talking to each other but he couldn’t understand the words. He could tell though that they were enjoying themselves. The dream faded.


Knee high, high heeled boots of the flame haired girl thudded through the hallway. She wasn’t tall but she let her legs take long strides that swung the thigh length skirt. It also gave her large breasts a good bounce. It was almost amazing that they didn’t bounce their way out of her low cut shirt.

“Slut.” One of the boys in the hallway muttered as she passed a group.

She smiled and continued walking at the same pace and called back, “That’s not what you called me last night when your dick was in my mouth.”

The slur was not uncommon and she honestly didn’t mind them. She knew what she did and enjoyed it. She had also found a power in it that she used to her advantage. Other times she simply did it for satisfaction. Sex was her passion and it didn’t matter who the other person was or what their gender was.

Raised in an orphanage that was attached to the city’s school, she didn’t know her parents and knew nothing else since she had been left there as a baby. Even the orphanage had nothing on her parents or herself, which meant no one knew her name. They simply started calling her Ember because of her hair. She had accepted it and taken it on without hesitation, especially since she felt a heat within her that burned like an ember ready to burst into fire.

Ember reached the classroom that she had been headed to and entered. There were a few others in the room already. All had gone quiet when she entered the room and eyed her warily. She laughed, taking a seat towards the back of the room. They had a reason to be wary. She was good at gathering information and using it against others.

The class taught her about numbers and how they were used. She had always been fascinated by words and numbers. She also saw a great use for them both so she studied each fervently.

Their teacher entered the classroom shortly after Ember. The teacher was a woman who loved dresses though more modest than what Ember enjoyed wearing. She was also a woman who glanced at Ember often with a nervous, admiring gaze. She had always tried her best to hide the fact, but Ember had a keen eye and knew.

The rest of the students arrived and class started. Ember listened and learned, but she also kept an eye on her teacher. The woman kept looking Ember over. Ember did try to indulge her by occasionally leaning further over in genuine interest of what the teacher was teaching, she also gave her a better glimpse of her ample breasts. Ember, also would lean back in her chair spreading her legs a while pulling her skirt up a little exposing her tight fitting panties. The teacher would stammer some at the sight.

Class moved along in what seemed to take forever. Eventually though the class ended and the students filled out of the room. The teacher went over to her desk and sat down. She wasn’t paying attention to the students leaving. Ember was last to rise from her seat and instead of leaving she made her way to the teachers desk. The other students had all left.

“Miss Dree? I have some questions.”

Miss Dree looked up with her eyes wide as she noticed Ember was leaning forward on her desk, “Ember. Uh. Yeah. What questions do you have?”

“I didn’t quite understand the last equation. Can you go over it for me?”

“Uh. Yeah. Certainly.” Miss Dree stammered, lowering her eyes quickly to her desk and pulling out a piece of paper.

Ember made her away around the desk to stand next to her. She leaned forward making sure her breasts were in Miss Dree’s eyesight. Miss Dree kept glancing over as she explained the problem. When she was done she leaned back attempting to look into Ember’s dark eyes more than anywhere else.

Ember slid herself in front of Miss Dree, “Do you like what you see?”

“Uh. Huh.”

Ember leaned forward pushing her breasts even closer to Miss Dree’s face, “Go ahead bury your face.”

Miss Dree obliged by burying her face into Ember’s cleavage. Ember slid her panties down. Pushing Miss Dree back in her chair, Ember kicked them off and hopped up onto the desk. She pulled her skirt up exposing her thighs and flaming red bush.

Ember spread her legs, “You want this too don’t you?”

“Yes,” Miss Dree’s words came out quiet and breathy.

“Go ahead,” Ember said as Miss Dree leaned forward eagerly attacking Ember’s pussy.

Ember sighed in pleasure. Miss Dree expertly licked up down the lips flicking her tongue across the clit giving quick strokes of pleasure. Ember indulged in the pleasure for time feeling light quivers in her body. She pushed Miss Dree back into her chair as she slid off the desk kneeling down in front of her.

Ember reached up under Miss Dree’s dress grabbing hold of the teacher’s panties. Pulling them off she ran her hands up and down her thighs before wiggling her finger into a wet and waiting pussy. She slid one in then two, curling them up thrusting in and out. Her thumb worked along the clit.

The door clicked. It was the sound of the handle turning. Miss Dree sat up. Leaning forward she forced Ember back under the desk. Ember still had her fingers in her and left them there despite Miss Dree trying to have Ember pull them out.

“Yes Ven?” Miss Dree spoke.

Ember recognized the name as another teacher though it was one she had never had. Ven asked to borrow a chair from the classroom which Miss Dree quickly agreed to especially since Ember kept wiggling her fingers causing her to squirm.

“You ok Tella?” Ven asked.

“Yeah. Yeah. Feeling a little antsy. Probably should go relieve myself but want to get this paperwork done.” Miss Dree explained as she squeezed her legs shut in an attempt to stop Ember.

Ember persisted. Once the door clicked shut, Miss Dree leaned back with a moan. Ember went back to it. She finger fucked the woman. Miss Dree stifled a scream as she came.

“That was fun.” Ember said standing and leaning in to give Miss Dree a kiss.

Walking with a seductive swing of her hips, Ember left Miss Dree sitting at her desk in shock. Ember made her way into the city. It wasn’t long before she came upon her destination. It was a shop of various clothing by several different artisans.

The shop itself was as flamboyantly colored as the owner himself. When Ember entered she found the owner, Ludwig, fussing with a mannequin, a few patrons perusing, and one of Ludwig’s employees helping a lady try on an outfit.

“Ah! If it isn’t my favorite orphan,” Ludwig proclaimed, waving Ember towards himself. “Come give me a hug.”

“Hello Ludwig.” Ember wrapped her arms around the tall, thin man.

“Come let’s talk. It’s been awhile.” Ludwig led her into the back room. “How are things? Learn anything?”

Ember could help but laugh a little, “Oh I’ve learned some things. She is definitely cheating. I’m not fully sure he is, but he’s harder to reach.”

Ludwig tapped his lip, “Do you have enough for us to use?”

“Yes and I have a plan. It involves these,” Ember said as she lifted her skirt revealing the pair of panties she was wearing.

Ludwig shook his head, “Oh honey, I hope your plan doesn’t involve trying to seduce me again.”

Ember laughed even harder, “No definitely not. I know what gets your motor running. These are for him.”

“You’re going to give him a pair of panties? You said you weren’t sure if he was cheating.”

“Correct. I don’t but I’m going to sneak these into their bedroom for her to find.” Ember paused before explaining further. “These are someone else’s. Someone who I know bought these panties from her and that she had made specifically for this other woman.”

“Ok now that is interesting,” Ludwig said, tapping his lip again.

“Very. See she cheats on him with other women. She has a specific dressing room upstairs where these women can “try on” things. She also makes undergarments designed specifically for her women.” Ember explained.

“You know this how?” Ludwig began before shaking his head. “No. Never mind. I can imagine.”

Ember laughed, “Exactly. So my plan is to leave these special panties where she can find them and she’ll think one of her women is sleeping with him.”

“You never cease to amaze me. Who would’ve thought that the scrawny, big titted little girl who tried to steal from me would become my biggest asset.” Ludwig chuckled, shaking his head.

Ember bowed, “Oh it’s my pleasure.”

“I’m sure it is.”

They continued to talk for a time. Ember explained her plan further. She told him that she had been able to “coerce” one of the servants into letting her into the house where they have a little fun. She also explained how he would be at a meeting late into the night and she would be having a “fitting” for one of her ladies.

Ember left Ludwig’s shop heading to the couple’s house. The servant she had spoken of was the only one at the house since the lord and lady would be out all evening. When she knocked on the back door where she knew he would be since she had planned the get together with him he promptly answered the door and brought her in.

“Ember it’s so good to see you,” he spoke with a huge smile on his face.

The man was twice her age and not the most attractive, but he was serving a purpose for her. She also couldn’t complain because the sex was awesome. He had one of the biggest dicks she had ever felt.

“Ah Gerald, you’re so sweet.” Ember said as she kissed his cheek and whispered seductively into his ear, “I know you just want my pussy. Speaking of. I want to do something thrilling.”

Gerald looked skeptical and a little scared, “Oh no. I don’t like that smile.”

Ember giggled and hopped out of reach heading deeper into the house, “Come in.”

Gerald could do nothing but follow. She hurried through the halls and up the steps heading to where she knew the couple’s bedroom was. Gerald struggled some to keep up. When she reached their room she ran in and flopped down on their bed.

“Oh no. We can’t do this,” Gerald complained.

Ember reached down pulling the panties off and tossing them in the corner of the room where she knew the lady would find them before the lord came home. She reached down and touched herself rubbing her fingers over her wet lips.

“I’m so wet at the thought. Come here Gerald.”

Gerald gave in walking towards the bed. Ember reached out, undoing his pants. As she pulled them down his dick flopped out already semi erect. She eagerly grabbed his dick. She stroked him and fondled his balls. He was soon fully hard. She took him into her mouth as deep as she could which was a little over half his length. He let out a soft moan.

“Fuck me on their bed,” she begged.

Gerald obliged pushing her back on the bed. Lifting her legs up to his shoulders he eased the tip of his penis between her glistening wet lips before slowly pushing deeper into her. Ember moaned loudly with hunger. She squirmed trying to move herself on his dick more. He held her in position. He started to thrust going deeper and harder each time. Ember let out a moan each time he thrust deep.

It wasn’t long before she was panting as his thrusts sped up. She screamed in pleasure as one particular thrust sent her over the edge. He continued to fuck her hard as the waves of her orgasm made her quiver beneath him. Her screams of pleasure sent him over the edge. He thrusted in filling her with his cock and a large load. He was panting hard as he collapsed onto her.

Ember laid there catching her breathe as Gerald rested his head on her breasts. After a minute or so he stood up pulling his pants back up. Ember sat up feeling his load rolling out of her. She wiggled her butt a little making the load to rub off onto the bed.

“Oh Gerald. That was so good.” Ember said, giving him a peck on the cheek.

Gerald was still catching his breathe a bit, “Yes. My pleasure.”

With him still a little distracted by what they had done, she grabbed his hand and drug him out of the room. She let go of his hand and thanked him again as she hurried out of the house. She headed straight to her room at the orphanage. Most of the orphans shared a room, but she had a room by herself since she wasn’t liked by most of them and she was the only one as old as she was.

She laid down with a smile. She felt accomplished and very pleased. It didn’t take her long to fall asleep and drift off into a dream. At first the dream was just a bright orange haze until it became clearer. She was sitting by a fire. A cup of ale was in her hand. She noticed the dark hair and a tightly trimmed beard. He smiled at her and she couldn’t help smile back at him. She could almost feel herself getting wet looking at him.

Ember turned her head to her right where her hazel colored eyes caught sight of a raven haired woman. Ember’s eyes took her in, lingering over the exposed cleavage. The woman had a smaller chest but it still drew Ember in. She became wetter looking at the woman. She felt there was something different about the woman but together with the man Ember was becoming very wet. The dream faded.

Draconis Lit
76 min
14 cards

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