

Hey, my name is Sophie and I live in Norwich, UK. I am 15 (nearly 16) and I go to Norwich School. I’m planning on studying art and English at A level and drawing is my favourite thing in the world. I thought I’d start a blog because not only do i like to write a lot but I’d also like to share my experiences of living with mild Aspergers and hopefully help others by talking about my journey as a creative thinker.

Here’s a few things I like and a few things I don’t like so much just to break the ice a lil bit:

- I like avocados, a LOT. I practically live off them and have at least 1 a day.

- I love art. I draw every moment I can and I am going to study some kind of art at uni.

- I like older people – they’re more interesting and I can learn more from them. People my age can be boring sometimes.

- I don’t like little round things especially peas. In fact, I hate them and it hurts me to be around them.

- I don’t like babies – crying babies are my idea of hell. They’re unpredictable and noisy.

- I don’t like noisy environments – they’re a sensory overload for me.

Sophie Duez
1 min
2 cards

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