LED Pole Lights

In present times when technology is evolving each day, modern parking zones have become indispensable.

Why I am saying modern? Because these parking zones have all the advanced features. Like, state-of-the-art elevators to carry big cars from one floor to another; bar code system to keep track of the vehicles; sophisticated cameras for vigilance and security.

Now let us know why LED Pole lights are considered superior to Fluorescent and Halide lights.

How Led pole lights are better than other lights

LED pole lights have 25 times more life than an ordinary street light. And that’s not all, there are many other features too.

  • The brightness in Led parking lights is better than fluorescent lights.
  • When it is LED lights, you can easily adjust or select the color temperature.
  • Where other bulbs convert most of the energy into heat, LED parking lot lights convert the power into the light beam.
  • Studies show LED pole lights attract fewer insects in comparison to another light source.

LED lights have high energy levels in comparison to another light source, check the facts.

Lamp type Energy efficacy

High- pressure mercury 60

Metal Halide 120

High- pressure sodium 150

Kent Stark
2 min
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