LONG READS SUNDAY | Crypto Content & Convo | July 1 2018

Trying out a new crypto curation format: Long Reads Sunday. Combination of articles + Twitter threads, which are the Russian nesting dolls of community insight. China blockchain court cases, global crypto ownership, secondary security token issues and more.

Forced selling for crypto funds?

Here is a fire thread from @Melt_Dem on the impact a (theoretical) forced liquidation for crypto funds could have on the market. Most interesting question is the liquidity crunch that happens when most funds hold positions in the same projects.


Decentralized talent for protocol projects

One of the week’s smartest essays was @_jillruth’s “Free Company” on @TokenDaily. Talent wants to be organized as distributed, mostly-autonomous networks of specialization. Doesn’t make sense to service decentralized projects in a centralized way.


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