Moments from the Olympic National Park

Surrounded by the tall Douglas-fir trees, I trek on a trail which resembles a frame from the Temple Run game. It’s seven o’clock in the evening, and a thick veil of mist has blanketed the coast. A southerly wind is blowing at the point, and the ocean isn’t as turbulent as I thought it might be.

After a few minutes of patience, the weather begins to break just enough to highlight sublime views of the surrounding sea stacks. As I gaze into the vastness of the Pacific Ocean, I see seagulls, cormorants, what I thought might have been puffins, a few other birds, and best of all, many sea otters! I take a few more steps, and now I’m standing at the edge of the furthest Northwest point in the States, Cape Flattery, among the blooming flowers and earthy smell of the coast.

Siya M
4 min
26 cards

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