Multi-Cloud Database Management


This series discusses various aspects of multi-cloud database management:

  • What is multi-cloud database management?
  • What are use cases for managing databases within and across different public and private clouds?
  • What types of database management systems are available that satisfy multi-cloud use cases?
  • Which deployment architectures support multi-cloud use cases?

… and many more.

☁️ If you are interested, please follow the series as it develops.

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  • (Public) cloud. A public cloud is an environment providing computing resources shared by many organizations. An example is Google Cloud.
  • On-premises (private cloud). A cloud or computing environment owned by or dedicated to a single organization.
  • Hybrid cloud. A combination of one public and private clouds (on premises) used by an organization.
  • Multi-cloud. At least two public clouds, possibly including private clouds.
Christoph Bussler
12 min
28 cards

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