My Bootcamp Diary: Software Engineering course at GA

Day 1, Monday, 2 September

Just did my first day at GA. I am knackered. My peers seem awesome. The teachers seem great as well. The day was spent in induction classes, onboarding, installing stuff, and building a tower out of spaghetti, string, marshmallow and tape.

Day 2, Tuesday, 3 September

Finally started doing the twitter morning stand up inspired by Joan Westenberg and her blog Pizza Party. Let’s see for how long I will keep this going.

After school I trialled the Siri dictation function, I figured that maybe I can dictate this blog post as I walk home. This is not happening as Siri is useless at understanding human speech.

In general, the second day was awesome. We had a massive recap of HTML, and we are still getting comfortable with terminal commands.

Also, my new favourite command combination is cmd+a / cmd+k / cmd+f it magically turns messy code into beautifully nested code in VS Code.

Day 3, Wednesday, 4 September

Today was all about CSS. And our homework was it's such a great game.

I am still very much focusing on learning to learn again, and the more I think about it the stronger I believe that doing kickboxing was one of the best decisions I made. Kickboxing was the first truly new skill I learnt in forever.

Kickboxing took me mentally and physically out of my comfort zone. It made me realise my strengths (3 years at the gym made me fit), as well as, my weaknesses: no coordination and unless I am wearing a watch I can’t tell left from right.

More importantly, the learning process in kickboxing was literally about being uncomfortable, physically and mentally exhausting, failing, sweating and trying again. It was fantastic training for a software development Bootcamp!

p.s. Still doing twitter morning standup.

Jenny Judova
27 min
63 cards

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