Myanmar Pagoda, Yangon City



(1) Brief historical background of the Shwedagon Pagoda
(2) Brief historical background of the Sule Pagoda
(3) Brief historical background of the Botathaung Pagoda
(4) Brief historical background of the Shwe Phone Pwint Pagoda
(5) Brief historical background of the Thiri Mingalar Kabar Aye Pagoda/Zedi
(6) Brief historical background of the Swe Taw Myat Pagoda
(7) Brief historical background of the Kyauk Taw Gyi Pagoda
(8) Brief historical background of the Maha Wiziya Pagoda
(9) Brief historical background of the Kyeikkasan Pagoda and Kyeik Kauk Pagoda
(10) Brief historical background of the Koe Htat Kyee Pagoda
(11) Brief historical background of the Chaut Htat Kyee Pagoda
(12) Brief historical background of the Nga Htat Kyee Pagoda
(13) Brief historical background of the Kyeik Waine Pagoda
(14) Brief historical background of the Kyaik Hmaw Wun (a) Kyeik Myaw Kalok Pagoda
(15) Brief historical background of the Kyeik Kaloh (a) Kyeik Day Kalok Pagoda 16Brief historical background of the Kyeik Kalai Pagoda
(17) Brief historical background of the Shwe Napan Pagoda
(18) Brief historical background of the Moekaung Pagoda
(19) Brief historical background of the Keyeik Day Yone-Arnanda Pagoda
(20) Brief historical background of the Maha Damayanthi Eain Daw Yar Pagoda
(21) Brief historical background of the Mei La Mu Pagoda
(22) Brief historical background of the Arlein Ngasint Pagoda
(23) Brief historical background of the Maha Kyein Thitsarshin Pagoda
(24) Brief historical background of the Okkalapa Pagoda

References: History Books — Various Types of Years


As each country has its significant, historic traditions, cities possess prestigious images. Yangon has been historic for many years, with lots of government offices and buildings once, but now it has become the business capital.

Being a photographer, I have been very much interested in documentation on spectacular beauties of scenery, city-life, and historic monuments of the city where I live in. Because Buddhism has been mostly worshiped in Yangon for many years, there are large numbers of monasteries pagodas, I have been very much enthusiastic to make a documentary task on compiling backgrounds of them with my hobby, photography, and keep them as a booklet. I would like to humbly mention that this blog is not intended for history-focus description because I am not a professional historian — just a compilation the brief stories of pagoda and photos. And, I have tried my best to collect information on background histories of pagodas with which I have taken pictures throughout the year 2015–2016 while I was an amateur photographer.

In studying the background histories of pagodas, the histories related are found back to centuries with historic evidences and have still shining their significance. Moreover, some of the backgrounds seem to be mythical and linked to the history. Similarly, recently-built pagodas have been found with concrete backgrounds.

Taking photos of pagodas has been mainly based on the style of a traveler who loves visiting pagodas and shooting them as natural as; NOT taking with any special views and angles for producing the breath-taking amazing purposes.

Special Thanks to Sir Gyaw Than Aung for translating from my writing Myanmar to English.

Ko Zaw (JOY) (LMPS)

(1) Brief historical background of the Shwedagon Pagoda

Ko Zaw
4 min
15 cards

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