Rough Diamond


Two Hopeful People Full Of Hope

Skeptical of Trust

Especially when it’s Obvious

Hopeful of the outcome of the Lack of Trust Rendered

Hopeful of Being Proven Wrong

At Best. What’s Good for Us Gets Eaten Last off of the Plate… Hope that the other person doesn’t become too full… too soon.. to Taste

The Hope Outlasted tons of the Obvious BS…

Hope Excuses and Re- Chooses

Blindly and Knowingly- Surfacially and Soulfully

Hopeful People Not Skeptical of Trust

So Still are the two of Them & They shall Remain.

Re Manifested Results Prove the Obvious Reign of Insanity

She Patiently waited For His Hope to Transcend into Desire

Rewarded with Scales scraped Off the Cornea

THEN Transcends

Their “Knowing” Which Would Really Help Make Believing in Something Possible.

Instead of Hoping For Hope.

Mimi Rose
1 min
2 cards

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