Sara’s Love, a Podcast Series…

Why oh why…..

Audio is where your attention is.

It is where we can all connect further, learn and explore together.

Curious minds.

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100 Day Challenge!!! Day 1 Team.

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I AM EXCITED. Day 1! Bringing it. Thank you so much for being here. This is all going to be raw and unedited. Daily front porch, morning coffee, late night whiskey thoughts.

Listen as you drive home from work, walk the dog, brush your teeth. Let’s have some fun as we continue this journey together. xo

Today I chatted about why I am doing this. What brought me here. Not many of us read blogs. Ok. Ok. Pivot! Let’s chat. Let me know what you think and what you would like to hear about. At the end of every rant, I am here because of YOU.

“Challenges are experiments for the mind. To identify and break constraints of past ideas of yourself or life.”

This is a pursuit of learning for me. And an incredible opportunity to get to know you further. To provoke thought. Provide value.

No, I have no idea where it will take me, or have an exact plan. I actually very much disagree with business plans. This is all a big, fun experiment to get to know you and build relationships. This will challenge me greatly. I am excited, and curious what opportunities and connections will come from it.

Little snap of todays chat, so you can get to know me a little better as well…. I will never give up writing completely (so don’t you worry Trav!:)…

Personal drivers:

  1. Juju — good energy, empathy through understanding, honest love, kill insecurities, good vibes, calm mindset
  2. Health — movement, nutrition, good natural products, reducing impact on our environment
  3. Creation — business building, finance, consulting, risks, curiosity, bartering services

We must earn it babes. The quiet confidence. Patience. Practice. Let’s start talking. Let’s pay attention to your life today, and what you are putting out into the world.

100 Days of:

  • Chats
  • Handstands
  • No complaining
  • Less sugar
Sara Halstead
10 min
22 cards

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