Say No to Self Medication(Part ||)

Working for the greater good and getting to know about the people who are into this already was a great experience for us we set off to get our goal and the next mile stone we set for ourselves was to go to as many pharmacies as possible to get the information if the pharmacists there are open to help people with small infractions and with the prescriptions of doctors that have been worn off or some old ones.

Smiles after a positive response

Visit to the Pharmacies

There were some who were afraid of us they thought that were form some kind of agency or pres and we are there to check them and then there are some people who supported us with all they got.

We simply asked them about the work they do and the duties they perform as the pharmacist and they told us that they help the people understand the prescription of the doctors and they can suggest low potency medicines to the people give their previous health record.

Some of them were generous enough to take pictures and write comments for us.

In the background you can see a person trying to stop us form pictures
Hamza Bhatti
7 min
13 cards

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