scrambled eggs

hey!! i’m elliot. through years of wanting to write down my thoughts, feelings, what i think is important, and my overall view on life, i’ve finally decided i might as well get around to it. so welcome to the inside of my brain!! pls enjoy as i ramble on about whatever i’ve wandered off thinking about this time :)

i saw a post earlier from a motivational speaker, he was talking about how all these social media “inspiration” posts are all about loving yourself, and how many people don’t even know themselves well enough to do that. it got me thinkin a little, and i realized that many people, especially those who are neurodivergent, truly know just WHO they actually are. sure, we all know our favorite bands and colors and interests and hobbies, but rarely do i see it go far beyond that. of course you’d expect from living with yourself for your entire life that you’d know everything about yourself. i thought that too for an incredibly long time, until i actually sat down with myself and saw how quickly my mental health was depleting. i feel like many people assume they know themselves through and through, yet ignore what their body is so desperately trying to tell them. i ended up going to an outpatient program a few months ago because i realized i wasn’t exactly equipped to deal what with what i was going through and properly take care of myself. that was definitely one of the biggest events that truly made me realize how much i had been ignoring both my body and my brain. i still have yet to truly sit down and figure out exactly who i want, where i want to go from here, etc. but i am slowly starting to really pay attention to what makes myself tick, and i strongly encourage every else to do so. i think the biggest reason as to why so many people truly can’t say they love themselves is because they don’t even know who they really are.

you have to get to know yourself just as you would any other person, and rather than beat yourself up for not being this or not doing that, start to actually figure out your own strengths and weaknesses, and stop trying to have someone else’s. we’re all different in a beautiful and intricate way, and many people (including me) fail to realize all that comes with being different.

i’m making a goal for myself over the next week to truly take a step back and learn myself, and THEN slowly come to love everything about me. everything that makes me different from everyone else, everything that makes me the same. it’s a beautiful and loving world out there and i’ve finally decided to become a part of that. wish me luck!!

best of luck in all that you do.

-Elliot M.

Smelly Dog
2 min
3 cards

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