Self-Love Series

What is self love?

Self love is defined as “regard for one’s own well-being and happiness.”

So what does self love mean to me? Hmm… What does self-love mean to me is a question I’ve been asking myself for days ,because I don’t know the answer. I would say self Love to me is loving myself for my family and to be the best mother and wife I can be but, that isn’t loving myself that is a loving them and being what I need to be for them so, I want to take a journey to find what I need to be for me.

But where do I begin? How do I start? I don’t hate myself when I look in the mirror, most days I think I actually look very pretty. I don’t hate myself on the inside either but, I feel like there’s more because on my bad days they are the worst. They are dark and I don’t wanna be here anymore but on my good days they’re full of light and positivity and I love everything and everyone around me I know we all have bad days but how do I fight off the worst days.

So I want to start this journey of self love. I want to work on myself inside it out I used to Radiate confidence I don’t care what people think I just was me.

So what are my steps those I’ve been thinking on forever where do I start so I made a little jump. It may not seem like much to you but it was to me I wore a bikini to the pool the other day. I’m not a small girl I wear about a 2X.

And I have a mom pouch from a wonderful C-section so my body is not perfect I have stretch marks I have so many scars I have an Immune issue that causes skin issues and they are not the prettiest parts of my body. But who cares my fiancé thinks I’m gorgeous my son loves me no matter what and even if I didn’t have that I Should not worry about everybody else’s opinion because if I think I look good then I look good it’s a simple as that.

So I guess my first step in self-love is wearing what I want for me not for anyone else.

So I’m gonna continue this trend and doing what I want to make myself feel beautiful I don’t care what anyone else thinks if I want to leave my house without a bra I’m going to do that if I do or do not want to wear make up that’s my decision I’m done letting other peoples opinions for my opinion of myself myself.

So here’s to starting my path to self-love and an all-around better lifestyle.

It’s been a rough few days.

Everything has not gone as planned. No, I’m not a control freak but I do have a system.

When something in the system is out of place it takes myself awhile to bring it back together.

So, what do I do?

This is my biggest struggle to-date. Figuring out the next step when my plan is disrupted. Where do I start. My brain rattles for days and my life falls apart just a little.

But, I have to tell myself and force myself back on track. This is about me! This about making myself feel better.

This is not for anyone else except me! Let’s reset this routine and start fresh tomorrow…

Wake up, cleanup, and concour the day.

As much a I’m learning to love myself I need to learn to push myself.

With my days thrown all off, I have put myself down and have not loved myself.

I’m not looking in the mirror and saying damn you look good today, I’m looking in the mirror and saying damn, you look good enough for the day.

It’s time to rest and re-love!

And that’s okay.

Taylor Crow
3 min
3 cards

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