Social Media Etiquette Lessons

Social Media Etiquette Lesson #2

“Ard” doesn’t equal alright.

It doesn’t even come remotely close. 😆

“Ok” takes less time to type. Even “K” gets a pass.

Thou shall say ok, cool, k, alright or even get creative with words like sweet, gotcha, roger etc.

Aaron Hill

Social Media Etiquette Lesson #1

Thou shall not write in all caps unless posting a message of authentic emergency (after of course dialing 911).

Reason: It’s annoying as f*ck same as if someone was standing in front of you shouting every word………

of every sentence…..

every time.

Aaron Hill

Social media etiquette lesson number four

Some people show you how much they “don’t care” by caring enough to waste their time telling you how much they don’t care instead of simply ignoring your posts.

Next time thank them….

For caring. 😂😂😂

I love when people CARE enough to take their precious TIME out of their schedule to let you know that they don’t care at all. 😂

Next time they do this have some decency, integrity and just plain old fashion good manners to let them know how much you appreciate it and that it was a VERY caring, time consuming and thoughtful and that you really appreciate them actually taking the time to show you that they care deeply by actually going out of their way to tell you that they don’t care at all.…

Troll muffugguzzz……🤣

Aaron Hill
2 min
6 cards

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