The Dr. Woj Way: Moonshots in Education Design

Trust in academic institutions, corporations, brands and governments are at an all time low according to Dr. Esther Wojcicki, the brainchild behind the “Moonshots in Education” academic framework. The Woj Way has been tested and Woj explains that raising three of the nations most successful women was a function of giving them freedom through the lense of trust, respect, independence, collaboration and kindness (TRICK).

The Golden State Warriors and Dr. Woj are bringing moonshots in schools, one of the moonshots they have impacted are immigrant students and minority moonshot thinkers in schools in Oakland and the Peninsula like Design Tech High School at Oracle. Dr. Woj and the Rhode Island School of Design are committed to impacting and inspiring more design schools globally.

Dr. Woj and Kevin Durant on Moonshots for Oakland and Puerto Rico

In a rare appearance at the Stanford University Alumni Center, Woj took questions from Stanford faculty, education thought leaders, undergraduate and high school students on what it would take to design for trust in our schools. When we look at the world today from Google to Tesla, Woj is central.

Esther Wojcicki and Maye Musk in preparation of Woj’s book: “How to raise successful people.”
The mothers inspiring moonshots in education span continents. Dr. Woj and Elon Musk’s mother, Maye Musk design moonshots for students from Africa to United States. The two mothers alone have impacted the greatest technological innovations today.

Woj talks about TRICK as a necessary ingredient for students and communities to live a happy and examined life. Joining legacies such as Mohammed Ali and Mother Theresa, Woj was inducted into the happiness wall of fame at Stanford this year with her daughter, Anne Wojcicki, the CEO and founder of 23andMe.

Dr. Woj and her daughter, Anne Wojcicki are moving a movement on Moonshots Design Schools

The popular book Moonshots in Education, blended learning approach is being used by award winning schools and teachers all over the world to design moonshot classrooms which are based on Dr. Woj’s Trust Framework. For example, Woj inspired students to raise their own funding to realize their initial moonshots at Design Tech at Oracle. In less than 4 months, dtech students received a donation from Salesforce towards the first VR computer as well as the HTC vive virtual headset.

Design Tech at Oracle Students have dinner with Woj to design the Moonshots course called VR Design: Virtual Reality as an Empathy Machine

Dr. Woj is Kind. She celebrates student success and always ensures that they are fed. Moonshots is about “Kindness” and giving students the freedom and structure to accomplish anything they need. Dr. Woj goes into detail on what this could entail in her upcoming book, “How to raise successful people.”

Dr. Woj, inducted into the Stanford happiness wall of fame for her role in designing Moonshot Schools

“From Palo Alto to São Paulo, the lack of trust affects the social fabric, peace, human rights, justice and the economy. Before people can engage with each other in civil, productive or economic ways they must feel that it is safe to trust in the system.” Dr. Woj responded to Engineering and Design professor, Dr. Jeung, the director of the Artificial Intelligence Robotics Education program between Stanford and the MiT media lab. Dr. Woj believes moonshot teachers have the greatest responsibility and society must honor each child’s moonshot. She explains about Malala and her moonshot and what it looks like from a parents perspective.

Happy and honored to have met one of the most am— — Malala’s father, Ziauddin Yousafzai. He empowered his children to make the world a better place for all. Malala is an Esther Wojcicki moonshot fellow and she is currently working on empowering girls in Brazil.

Dr. Woj believes students must be given a voice and it is a civic responsibility. If a teacher needs to talk to the governor to make a student moonshot be realized, moonshot teachers have that design ability and design sense. The governors office has called Dr. Woj several times to advise on a statewide Education Moonshot.

California’s Governor Jerry Brown with Woj, Woj and Baby Woj

“Dr. Woj is refining the blended learning approach and no one works more than Woj in transforming education across the globe”. This was the sentiment heard coming from faculty and research scientists at Stanford and MiT in the most recent xPrize event on Artificial Intelligence that our moonshots team attended.

Woj and the Moonshots Team at Design Tech High School on the state of Education Conference

This year, Dr. Woj was invited to advise one of many schools in Silicon Valley, Design Tech High School at Oracle on their moonshots design lab program.

Breast Cancer Awareness Week at was supported by Dr. Woj and the 23andMe Education Impact Moonshots Program.

One of the moonshot graduates,Mr. Jeltsin, chose the impact design route and took a gap year to alleviate the impact of Hurricane Maria in Puerto Rico. Jeltsin and moonshot students chose the Moonshot approach and designed impact for Puerto Rico students. “This young man is an immigrant and also the first one to graduate high school in his family. He is the embodiment of moonshot thinking.” Dr. Woj remarked.

The Boys and Girls Club of the Peninsula is also using the Woj Way to empower immigrant children. Recently, 23andMe offered to reunite immigrant children to their families because it is the right thing. If a moonshot is required to make this happen, Woj will provide free genetic tests to bring families together.

Dr. Woj and Durant call this a Moonshot for Puerto Rico. Students and teachers from Puerto Rico came to Design Tech and were trained and developed in the Moonshots in Education framework. Now Jeltsin has started his own non-profit and will take a gap year to go to Puerto Rico and help rebuild schools.

Woj visits Design Tech High School to train and develop Moonshot teachers who can design solutions that are based on Trust, Respect, Independence, Collaboration and Kindness

Woj spent time with the both Design Tech and Puerto Rico students in the most recent Moonshots Design Lab taught at Oracle, moonshot teachers and administrators in Puerto Rico have faced unimaginable challenges due to natural disasters. With more than 300 schools closed after Hurricane Maria, there has been a significant student drain as most families are moving to the mainland to ensure that their children have schools to go to. Puerto Rico needs a moonshot.

Dr. Woj and Kevin Durant working together with a diverse team of students to level the playing field. These students were awarded scholarships to cover the entire first year of college on this day

Dr. Woj is often seen restless about the state of Puerto Rico and seeks a solution that empowers the entire nation. Woj seeks a solution to empower dtech student Jeltsin as he embarks on making an impact through design thinking moonshots in Puerto Rico. Technology access is key.

Freedom@dtech Advisory on the first day of school at Design Tech High School. Dr. Woj believes Puerto Rico will see the same impact with Jeltsin leading.

In the dtech Moonshots Thinking Design Lab, Puerto Rico students and teachers discovered that Google and YouTube had the greatest impact in education today. YouTube is the largest education site in the world with more than a billion hits per day (not including entertainment). Google allows us all to search information and learn about anything we want to learn. Educators need to know that no one has to sit and listen to a boring lecture now. We can all learn online. Woj thinks that technology might mitigate the large numbers of schools closing in Puerto Rico.

Even when Woj travels the world for impact. She makes sure to see her students and her moonshot classroom is like no other. Above is an example of how Woj teaches when she travels.

Forbes discovered that Moonshots is about promoting independence and critical thinking, encouraging kids to dig into topics that truly inspire them, and developing the self-sufficiency to take control of their future, both to be happy and to affect positive change in the world. In freedom@dtech students created their own constitution and process and they met weekly to discuss their moonshots and how those could be realized.

Our moonshots team had the privilege to attend Dr. Wojcicki’s induction into the Stanford happiness hall of fame earlier this year along Anne Wojcicki, the founder of 23andMe. TRUST is fundamental in raising the most successful students in any classroom and we have refined an defined that classroom. In our collaboration with 23andMe, the moonshot is 100% human and no company is masterful in Trust Design than 23andMe.

Woj and Freedom with Dr. Thao Do the Director of Education at 23andMe. How might we Design Trust in schools for compassionate leadership?

Woj is often guiding and training global and national leaders, head of states, institutions, districts, teachers and parents and it is clear that she has shaped Silicon Valley itself through the moonshot trick attributes.

Woj with President Vincent and First Lady Maria of Mexico on our Moonshots in Education Mexico center.

Policy-makers, governments and world leaders are now considering moonshots as the most comprehensive framework in that it works across any perceived or known difference boundaries including, but not limited to language or the design identity of academic institutions.

Woj and President Vicente Fox on Moonshots for Mexico. Moonshots has named fellows in Monterey, Mexico and a conference for Mexico is schedule on
Stanford University Moonshot Fellows meet with dtech faculty to provide training and development for teachers to be able to design moonshot programs for design tech. At this point, the moonshot idea is to design a Virtual Reality Program in the future were dtech students can learn Design Thinking and pototype in VR. Miriam Haart and Elvis Zhang supported dtech faculty in designing the curriculum on Virtual Reality as an empathy machine.

Design Tech at Oracle was fortunate when Woj agreed to advise their moonshot design labs and teachers. Woj’s counsel, mentorship, training and development to teachers on Design Thinking moonshots had extraordinary outcomes. The Design as Discovery course first piloted at dtech became a Stanford course taught by Freedom and Woj.

Dr. Woj teaching Moonshots: Design as Discovery at Stanford University (Course designed by Freedom Cheteni, Moonshots, Creative Director)

Students in that particular course accomplished extraordinary results and so did the instructors. Woj is clear that teachers MUST model extreme personalization at dtech and students do well when given freedom and tools to success. Not only that, but teachers ought to ensure they knew that student opinions and creativity are valued.

Moonshots in Education have moonshot attributes, Trust, Respect, Independence, Collaboration and Kindness (TRICK). We prototyped this idea at Stanford with Stanford professor of philosophy, Dr. Kenneth Taylor when we taught the course: Normativity and the architecture of human being.

Dr. Woj and Stanford Designership Fellow, freshman Elvis Zhang with Professor of Philosophy Ken Taylor on Moonshots at the Media Arts Center

Dr. Woj takes time to guide and coach dtech moonshot faculty. She always shares that C in TRICK suggests that Collaboration is necessary in realizing moonshots. This concept is part of the Moonshots Design Research team on the Self-Driving classroom moonshot at and France.

Woj provides high powered, hands-on mentorship to dtech and in less than 4 months, students had authored books, built computer hardware, presented moonshots at Oracle Open World, taught and designed their own courses, created their own cryptocurrency and built a prototype of their own learning management system which became the official learning management system for the year. The results from this training were unimaginable.

Design Tech Moonshot teachers went to observe Moonshot classes and schools. Above, dtech faculty observe Woj modeling teacher as “Master Coach” at the Palo Alto Media Arts Center. This is the internationally ranking journalism program Woj created and countless awards have been earned including being ranked the best journalism program in the United States. To be a Moonshot Certified Level 1 teacher, shadowing accomplished moonshot teachers is a requirement. TRICK in the classroom produces High Trust. Woj’s trust classes were characterized by High Trust behaviors only.
dtech teachers after observing Woj in her moonshot classroom reflect in a panel that included students from Gunn High School and Stanford University professors from the School of Education. Moonshots is now a framework that many of the elite colleges and universities are embracing and collaborating more with K-12 schools and teachers that aspire to be moonshot certified: The Woj Way

The advisory was fascinating in that they would start 9th Grade from different backgrounds, therefore, it was only natural to build trust early on using the Woj framework.

With Conan O’Brian on Moonshots in Education and Building Trust in pop culture.
Woj with Cardinal Reinhold Max on Moonshots in Education. Mellinger defined trust as an “individual’s confidence in another person’s intentions and motives, and the sincerity of that person’s word”.
Miriam Haart, a Stanford University student and a Wojcicki Moonshot fellow through Stanford’s Haas Center for Public Policy at dtechhs warehouse campus. Miriam made an app called Recyclable . The freedom@dtech advisory had chosen sustainability as their first design challenge ever at dtech, this class inspired Respect for peers in that Miriam was closer to their age and had accomplished extraordinary success already.

At the Design Tech old campus, Woj provided invaluable training and development to both teachers and students and moonshot teachers had a greater level of independence and were extremely kind. Independence and Kindness are necessary attributes in building a moonshot classroom. Woj advises programs such as Teach for America in redefining and shaping education.

Wendy Kopp, Founder of Teach for America visits the Moonshots Lab at the Palo Alto Media Arts Center

BUILDING TRUST: At Design Tech High School on Rollins, the moonshots teachers used Trust, Respect, Independence, Collaboration and Kindness early on. The 9th Grade students in the Freedom@dtech advisory class went camping together within the first two weeks of being in the same class.

Trust building freedom@dtech (9th Grade)

We noticed that when Trust is built into the school and infused in programs, the freedom@dtech team built a strong bond and would choose to collaborate with each other naturally. They became one of the most empathetic students we have seen yet. “Trust inspires empathy”, Woj remarked to the group.

Freedom Cheteni
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