The Hitchhiker’s Guide to Modern JavaScript

JavaScript has nothing to do with the language Java, the island of Java, or coffee ☕️, but it has to do with pretty much every area of modern Software Development.

From websites to web apps, from desktop apps to mobile📱 apps, from games to the Internet of Things and Data Visualisation, it’s everywhere and it’s not going away.

It’s a fun 🤪 but quirky language, often the first programming language of newbie software developers, and is the 1st most commonly used (based on 2018 data) language after Python.

That’s what JavaScript can look like, but don’t you worry a thing, when you write it, it’s much more readable. What you saw there was minified to take up less space as it flows through the internet onto your laptop, tablet or mobile.

In this series you’ll learn bit-by-bit about very important modern JavaScript programming concepts and I will consolidate my own knowledge throughout as I believe the best way to learn is by doing and sharing.

Which brings me to…

Attila Vágó
11 min
57 cards

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