The shannara chronicles

Season one of The Shannara Chronicles roughly follows the storylines set out in The Elfstones of Shannara,set in the fictional Four Lands.As the series opens, demons start to return after being banished from this world to a place known as the Forbidding – locked by an ancient tree called the Ellcrys.The series chronicles the journey of Wil, Amberle and Eretria who, with the guidance of the last druid Allanon, must go on a quest to protect the Ellcrys from dying and releasing all the banished demons back into the Four Lands.

Season 1


2 1

2 ”Chosen” Jonathan Liebesman Alfred Gough & Miles Millar January 5, 2016 1.03[7]

Amberle, the Princess of the Elven Kingdom, runs the Gauntlet, customarily an all-male race, to determine who will become the Chosen, seven servants of the Ellcrys, a great tree that holds back an ancient army of demons in a realm called the Forbidding. She finishes seventh. When she touches the tree during the initiation ceremony, she has a vision of elves being slaughtered. The druid Allanon wakes up after a long slumber. Wil Ohmsford’s mother passes him the elfstones, a magical relic that belonged to Wil’s late father. Wil decides to go to Storlock, the village of healers, to learn the healing arts there. On the way, he is ambushed by a troll and saved by a Rover girl named Eretria, who drugs him and steals the elfstones. Allanon meets with the Elven King Eventine in the city of Arborlon and warns him that the Ellcrys is dying. He leaves to seek out Wil and finds him in the treehouse where he had been drugged by Eretria. As the Ellcrys weakens, a demon named the Dagda Mor breaks free of the Forbidding along with the Changeling, whom he dispatches to eliminate the Chosen. Amberle, haunted by the visions she saw when she touched the Ellcrys, flees Arborlon. She comes across Eretria, steals food and a horse, and heads for Wing Hove to meet with her aunt, Eventine’s sister Pyria (Sarah Peirse). Meanwhile, Allanon takes Wil to the Druid Keep at Paranor to find the secret to restoring the Ellcrys. Allanon uses magic to uncover a codex, proving to Wil that magic didn’t end in the War of the Races 300 years ago. The Dagda Mor attacks Allanon in his mind. Allanon and Wil learn that the Chosen are the key to the renewal of the Ellcrys; however, the Changeling, using Amberle’s form, has killed them all except Amberle, who had run away. Allanon and Wil track her to Wing Hove, where they are attacked by a Fury summoned from the Forbidding. The Fury kills Pyria and goes after Wil and Amberle.

3 3 ”Fury” James Marshall Alfred Gough & Miles Millar January 12, 2016[a] 0.92[9]

As the Fury is chasing Wil and Amberle, an injured Allanon rises and kills it. The trio head to the Druid Cave to treat Allanon. After leaving him there, Wil and Amberle head to Silver River to grab some of its mud, which has healing properties, but are ambushed by Eretria and another rover. They are taken as hostages to the rover camp so Wil can teach Cephelo how to use the Elfstones. Wil is unable to do so, and Cephelo threatens to kill Eretria. A Fury attacks the Rover camp but is destroyed by Wil, using the powers of the elfstones. Allanon is cured by the magic from the Druid Cave and rescues Wil and Amberle from the Rovers. On their way to Arborlon, they find an elf named Bandon chained and left alone and they take him with them. At Arborlon, Bandon has a vision of Amberle dying. The Elven Council discusses the crisis of the Ellcrys and decides to let Amberle, the last of the Chosen, enter the tree and search for its seed, which must be taken to Safehold.

4 4 ”Changeling” James Marshall Alfred Gough & Miles Millar January 19, 2016[a] 0.75[10]

Amberle enters the Ellcrys, is put to a test, and gains the seed from the tree when she succeeds. The group prepares to take it to Safehold but realizes that the demon is still alive. Amberle draws an image of a stained glass window, which she saw in a vision inside the Ellcrys. After being threatened by her foster father, Eretria sneaks into the elven palace and seduces Wil only to steal the elfstones again. As she tries to escape the palace, the demon disguises itself as her and attempts to kill Amberle but fails and the real Eretria is arrested for it. Bandon is revealed to be a seer. No one is able to find the demon, so they assume it must be a shapeshifting demon and prepare a trap to catch it. Wil and Eretria realize that the demon was disguised as one of the guards and was aware of the plan. Wil runs to warn Amberle, but the Changeling gets there first and is killed by Allanon, who orders the guards to burn it and save its ashes. However, the demon comes back to life and kills the guards.

5 5 ”Reaper” Brad Turner Evan Endicott & Josh Stoddard January 26, 2016 1.03[11]

Ten years ago, a group of gnomes led by Slanter snuck into Arborlon in an attempt to assassinate the King, but ended up killing Prince Aine instead. In the present, the expedition to find Safehold is ambushed by Cephelo’s rovers. Amberle is taken prisoner while Wil and the escort are left to die in the wilderness. Eretria receives her reward – her own freedom – and leaves the group, but comes back to free Amberle, take Cephelo prisoner and save Wil and most of the guards. Once the group arrives at their destination, the Reaper, a demon hungry for death, has already killed the garrison and attacks them. Cephelo lures it into an ancient field of chemical garbage and sets the field on fire, killing it. Meanwhile, Allanon asks Bandon to contact Amberle through the Ellcrys. In a vision, he sees her dead at Dagda Mor’s feet. News comes in about demon attacks on elven villages. Ander suggests they seek the demon’s source and enlists Slanter, who was captured 10 years ago, as a guide. The Changeling, disguised as Arion, kills the King and takes his place.

6 6 ”Pykon” Brad Turner Zander Lehmann February 2, 2016 0.97[12]

While camping, Amberle has a romantic dream about Wil. As a snow storm comes their way, the group decides to take a shortcut to Wilderun by passing through Pykon, a snowy Elven outpost. As they get there, they are welcomed by Mag, a mysterious child, and Remo, an elf who is the property’s caretaker. Elsewhere, Reaper rises from the ashes of the explosion and follows the group’s tracks. Remo reveals himself to be a torturer seeking revenge. As he begins to torture Amberle, Wil is able to stop him with the help of Mag. The group tries to escape Pykon when the Reaper reaches them. Crispin is killed while fighting it. Wil, Amberle and Eretria fall off a cliff with the Reaper. In Arborlon, the Changeling, disguised as the King, convinces Arion to find an ancient sword said to possess power to defeat Dagda Mor. Once Arion succeeds, he is confronted by Allanon who reveals that the weapon is a talisman of evil and a danger to all. Arion then stabs Allanon, removing him from existence. Meanwhile, Ander and Slanter find Dagda Mor’s horde of demons.

7 7 ”Breakline” Jesse Warn Deanna Kizis February 9, 2016 0.80[13]

This episode’s plot summary may be too long or excessively detailed.

After Wil, Eretria, and Amberle fall off the cliff, they get separated. After awakening next to the Reaper’s corpse and prying the Elfstones out of his bloody left palm, Wil is attacked by a male elf from Owen Moor named Perk, whose left ear was stolen by Elf Hunters who cut off and sell the ears to gnomes. He wants to rescue his female partner Genewen who was captured by them. The man who cut off his ear, Cormac, is left behind to guard the camp as their female leader Zora pursues the princess. Eretria and Amberle are subsequently chased by the same group into an old hall that sunk underground during the great war. Meanwhile, in Arborlon, the Changeling, in the guise of King Eventine, sends the Princes Ander and Arion on a seemingly futile mission to kill the Dagda Mor. Allanon is healed by his former master Bremen and returns to Earth. While underground Amberle picks up three blue dice; an eight-sided and a pair of ten-sided dice. They also notice a map which resembles Eretria’s vision and she tells Eretria it is Safehold. She and Eretria fight off some Elf Hunters but are captured by Zora. Wil arrives, dangling from Genewen, who turns out to be a flying Roc mounted by Perk, who is a Wing Rider. On the way out Zora shoots Eretria and she falls. More of the Elf Hunters arrive, preventing them from going back for her. The princes arrive to face the Dagda Mor, discovering an imprisoned Bandon. Arion attacks the evil Druid with the sword, but the Dagda Mor is prepared and kills him. Allanon arrives on the scene just in time to save Ander and free Bandon. Eretria is shown hauled off alongside a golf bag full of clubs and a white plastic lawn chair. Ander kills the Changeling with Allanon’s collapsible sword, becoming King of the Elves.

8 8 ”Utopia” Jesse Warn April Blair February 16, 2016 0.78[14]

This episode’s plot summary may be too long or excessively detailed.

Allanon tells Bandon he’ll train him to be the next druid. Ander gets drunk. Eretria is bought out of slavery (along with the map to Safehold) by a human, who shows her how to shoot a revolver and they watch James T. Kirk and Spock in a scene from Star Trek: The Motion Picture. After kissing, Wil and Amberle rescue Cephelo but he ditches them before they sneak into the human village Eretria’s in, hugging Wil as he leaves. Cephelo is captured skulking around the village border after noticing that Zora is laying dead outside. Eretria reveals to Wil that the Safehold map is in the village, he seems surprised, indicating Amberle had not told him this. When Wil and Amberle’s elven heritage is uncovered during the party, Eretria sneaks off and speaks to a man with a mutilated eye. After he warns her, she flirts with her new owner long enough to steal his revolver. The three are tied to posts to be sacrificed to trolls, Cephelo offers their captors a bag which he says contain the Elfstones. When opened, it is actually the three blue dice that Amberle found. Eretria frees the captives after shooting a troll about to kill Wil. Firefight ensues and Cephelo is mortally wounded. He takes Eretria’s pistol and buys them time to escape. More trolls arrive and finding their dead friend attack the Utopians. Episode ends with Wil, Amberle and Eretria coming out of a forest to look upon the ruins of San Francisco.

9 9 ”Safehold” Brad Turner Evan Endicott & Josh Stoddard February 23, 2016 0.72[15]

This episode’s plot summary may be too long or excessively detailed.

Wil, Amberle, and Eretria arrive at Safehold, which turns out to be the ruins of San Francisco and Oakland (the name Safehold coming off the highway sign missing some letters). Eretria discovers that the tattoo on her back is a magical map to the location of the Bloodfire and leads the group there. They are confronted by the Guardians of the Bloodfire who attempt to turn the group against each other. Ander sends Commander Tilton to make an alliance with the Gnomes against the Demons. The Dagda Mor continues to control Bandon’s mind, forcing him to attack Ander, Catania, and finally Allanon, who subdues him. Elven Councilor Kael Pindanon, thinking Ander too weak to lead, attempts to seize the throne for herself and has Ander imprisoned. Commander Tilton and Slanter return to Arborlon with a Gnome army and free Ander, and the Council accepts Ander as king after he announces the alliance with the Gnomes. Overcoming the Guardians’ mental assaults, Eretria discovers her blood is the key to unlocking the Bloodfire and impales her hand on a magical spike, causing the Bloodfire to ignite. Wil destroys the Guardians with the Elfstones, and Amberle immerses herself in the Bloodfire. When it vanishes, Amberle is nowhere to be seen, and Eretria is unconscious. The last leaf falls from the Ellcrys, and the Elves and Gnomes prepare for war as the Dagda Mor’s Demon army marches on Arborlon.

10 10 ”Ellcrys” Brad Turner April Blair & Evan Endicott & Josh Stoddard March 1, 2016 0.85[16]

This episode’s plot summary may be too long or excessively detailed.

Wil revives Eretria with the Elfstones. Within the magic of the Bloodfire, Amberle learns the nature of her quest from the spirit of the Ellcrys before returning to join Wil and Eretria. While leaving Safehold, the group is pursued by Trolls, and Eretria stays behind to give the others time to escape. After returning to Arborlon, Wil and Amberle profess their love for each other. Bandon escapes from prison with Catania’s help. The Demon army attacks Arborlon, and the Elves and Gnomes fight to defend the Ellcrys. In the battle, Ander and Commander Tilton encounter Arion, now resurrected as a Demon. Arion kills Commander Tilton before being killed himself by Ander. Allanon and Slanter rescue Wil and Amberle from a group of Demons and escort them to the Ellcrys. The Dagda Mor blocks their way, and Allanon battles the evil Druid. Amberle tells Wil that she is the seed and must sacrifice herself to become the new Ellcrys. The Dagda Mor knocks Allanon aside and tries to kill Wil and Amberle. Wil holds off the Demon leader with the Elfstones and Allanon beheads him. Amberle successfully becomes the new Ellcrys, and the Forbidding is renewed, banishing the Demons. Allanon admits to a heartbroken Wil that he knew what Amberle had to do from the beginning and reminds him that all magic comes with a price. Wil rides off to Safehold to rescue Eretria. Bandon is briefly seen carrying the Dagda Mor’s evil blade, his eyes turned completely black. Eretria is captured by Trolls and recognizes one of her captors.

^ a b The third and fourth episodes were released online on January 5, 2016.[8]

Season 2 (2017) Edit


overall No. in

season Title Directed by Written by Original air date US viewers


11 1 ”Druid” Brad Turner Alfred Gough & Miles Millar October 11, 2017 0.31[17]

Eretria is living in the ruins of San Francisco, scavenging Old World technology for Cogline with her girlfriend, Lyria, and wondering why Wil and Amberle have not come looking for her. Wil is working in Storlock, training to become a Healer, when the mysterious Mareth arrives, seeking treatment for a burned hand. Meanwhile Ander Elessedil is struggling to help the Elves rebuild their lives after the battle against the Dagda Mor and his Demons. Bandon has taken refuge in Skull Mountain, where he plans to resurrect the Warlock Lord. Allanon endeavors to stop him. Riga goes hunting for Wil in Shady Vale.

12 2 ”Wraith” Brad Turner Evan Endicott & Josh Stoddard October 18, 2017 0.21[18]

After learning that Mareth is the daughter of Allanon, Wil and Mareth search for answers. Meanwhile, Eretria and Lyria are taken captive by a group of Rovers only to be rescued by the bounty hunter Garet Jax. Jax reveals that he has been sent by Lyria’s mother Queen Tamlin of Leah, the only human kingdom in the Four Lands. King Ander Elessedil seeks an alliance with Queen Tamlin, who demands that Ander marry Lyria in order to seal the alliance. Bandon learns that Wil’s uncle Flick lives in Shady Vale. Following a confrontation with Wil, Bandon kidnaps Flick and tells him he has three days to bring Allanon to Paranor if he wants his uncle back alive. Meanwhile, Allanon is kidnapped by members of the Crimson. Ander’s lover Catania is also murdered by Edain, an undercover Crimson agent.

13 3 ”Graymark” James Marshall Javier Grillo-Marxuach October 25, 2017 0.23[19]

In Graymark, Allanon is brought before the magic-hating General Riga, leader of the Crimson. Determined to destroy magic, Riga demands that Allanon yield the Codex of Paranor and tortures him. After reuniting with Eretria, Wil teams up with Mareth and Garet Jax to rescue Allanon from Graymark. Posing as Jax’s prisoner, Wil infiltrates Graymark only to be trapped by Riga. Seeking the Codex, Riga drains Wil’s blood. Allanon and Wil are rescued by Eretria, Mareth, and Jax who escape following a skirmish with the Crimson. Trying to cover up Catania’s death, Edain tells Ander that she left Leah. Queen Tamlin orders Edain to contact the Crimson, exposing herself as their financier.

14 4 ”Dweller” James Marshall Elle Triedman November 1, 2017 0.16[20]

Bandon reminds Queen Tamlin of the deal she had forged with the Warlock Lord. Meanwhile, Mareth has a tense reunion with her Druid father Allanon. Bandon takes Flick to the former farm house where he was imprisoned. Consumed by hatred of the prejudice of non-magical folk towards magic users, Bandon brutally kills the new Elven occupants’ son. Back in Leah, Eretria and Lyria reconcile and accepts Lyria’s arranged marriage pact with Ander. Suspecting that Edain murdered Catania, Ander along with Garet, Eretria, and Slanter capture Edain and his men smuggling weapons to the Crimson. Edain confesses to his crime and is executed by Ander. Meanwhile, Allanon travels with Wil and Mareth to the Wolfsktaag Mountains to obtain the Sword of Shannara, which they obtain following a battle with a giant spider-like Dweller.

15 5 ”Paranor” Toa Fraser Evan Endicott & Josh Stoddard November 8, 2017 0.24[21]

Wil, Allanon, and Mareth managed to trap Bandon inside Paranor. However, Bandon had poisoned Flick as an insurance and has the only cure that will save him from certain death. Ignoring Allanon and Flick’s pleas not to heed Bandon, they decide to retrieve the Warlock Lord’s skull. This quest takes them back in time to Shady Vale where the two encounter Wil’s father Shea Ohmsford and mother Heady. Wil and Mareth struggle to save his parents’ relationship while facing a demon. Meanwhile, Eretria learns from Cogline that she is a descendant of Armageddon’s Children, a sect of human – demon hybrids who had the potential to be corrupted by dark forces. Under Cogline’s tutelage, Eretria begins learning how to resist the darkness. Garet Jax is tracked down by Valcaa and several Crimson warriors but turns the tables on his attackers. To punish Valcaa for murdering the son of one of his former Border Legion comrades, Jax along with Ander and Lyria brutally interrogate him.

16 6 ”Crimson” Brad Turner April Blair November 8, 2017 0.27[21]

In the past, Wil and Mareth find the Warlock Lord’s skull under Shea and Heady’s scarecrow. Wil reveals his identity to Shea and saves his father from being killed by Mord Wraiths; making peace with his father. Returning to the present, Wil releases Bandon from Paranor but refuses to hand the Warlock Lord’s skull until Bandon heals his uncle Flick. Flick kills himself with the Warlock Sword. Following a fight, Bandon escapes with the skull, leaving behind a wounded Allanon. Meanwhile, Garet Jax kills an escaped Valcaa. In Leah, the wedding of King Ander and Princess Lyria is gatecrashed by General Riga and the Crimson, who attack the guests. Despite the arrival of Jax and Eretria, King Ander is slain by General Riga.

17 7 ”Warlock” James Marshall Alex Díaz & Julie Díaz November 15, 2017 0.27[22]

Eretria and Lyria flee Leah and hide in Cogline’s lair. Eretria receives a vision from Amberle warning of a coming darkness and that Wil is their last hope and needs to reach the Ellcrys. Meanwhile, Mareth and Wil bring the wounded Allanon to Storlock. Mareth uses a magic ritual to enter Allanon’s dreams and finds her father. The Druid Bremen tells them that Mareth is the next Druid. After awakening, the healed Allanon agrees to train Mareth as his successor. Eretria and Wil then travel to the Ellcrys together. Meanwhile, Bandon kills the garrison at Graymark and uses a magic ritual during an eclipse to resurrect the Warlock Lord. Back in Leah, General Riga sentences the deposed Queen Tamlin to death. Recognizing how her actions contributed to the predicament, Tamlin gracefully accepts her fate and throws herself over the waterfall.

18 8 ”Amberle” James Marshall April Blair and Elle Triedman November 15, 2017 0.28[22]

Wil and Eretria arrived at Arborlon only to discover the Crimson have attacked. While Eretria searches for the Chosen, Wil enters the Ellcrys and meets with Amberle. Following a tense reunion, Wil reconciles with his former lover and decides to put the past behind him. Wil encounters his father Shea who tells him that the Warlock Lord can only be slain by the Sword of Shannara. After abandoning his feelings for Amberle, Wil finds that the sword has regrown. At Graymark, the Warlock Lord torments Bandon by resurrecting his lover Catania and forcing him to kill her. While bonding at Storlock, Allanon and Mareth are captured by General Riga and the Crimson, who seizes the Codex. The two are sentenced to burn at the stake. General Riga later returns to Graymark only to be killed by the Warlock Lord, who takes the Codex. Back at Arborlon, Eretria is possessed by a Mord Wraith in the service of the Warlock Lord.

19 9 ”Wilderun” Toa Fraser Matt Lambert November 22, 2017 0.26[23]

At Storlock, Allanon and Mareth are rescued by the newly-freed Garet Jax and the Gnomes. Together, they set off for Graymark only to discover that the Warlock Lord has left with the Codex. They find a dead Bandon and General Riga’s head. Using Riga’s head, Jax and the Gnomes managed to convince the surviving Crimson soldiers at Leah to join forces and fight against the Warlock Lord. Meanwhile, Eretria reveals her past to Wil. Eretria, Wil, Allanon, and Mareth reunite with Lyria and Cogline in the Enclave. However, the Warlock Lord and his Mord Wraith discovers their location using Eretria’s demonic connection. The Warlock Lord bests Allanon, Cogline, and Mareth in combat while the possessed Eretria steals Lyria’s golden elfstone necklace; the key to unlocking Heaven’s Well.

20 10 ”Blood” Brad Turner Evan Endicott & Josh Stoddard November 22, 2017 0.24[23]

The Warlock Lord kills Allanon in combat. Along with the possessed Eretria and the captive Lyria, they travel to Leah to infect Heaven’s Well. Garet Jax commands the combined defense of Leah. After unlocking Heaven’s Well, the Warlock Lord infects the dam and rivers with the dark magic in his blood. The possessed Eretria sabotages the dam but is exorcised by Cogline and Jax. Wil and Mareth fight the Warlock Lord with Wil sacrificing his life to kill the Warlock and heal the infected river. With the Warlock Lord’s defeat, Lyria is crowned Queen. Eretria, Mareth and Cogline travel to Paranor, where Mareth senses that Wil is still alive. Wil awakens in a battlefield surrounded by Furies.

Wil Ohmsford – Grandson of the legendary Shea Ohmsford, Wil is a good-hearted, calm young man. He takes after his grandfather in looks, with his fair hair and the pointed ears that mark him as having Elven blood. Unlike Shea who is quite callow before his adventures, Wil has a more mature outlook, partly due to the early death of his parents. Their untimely passing inspired him to train with the renowned Gnome Healers at Storlock, and due to his persistence he was eventually allowed to train there despite not being a Gnome. Because Wil has only a small fraction of Elven blood, mastery of the legendary Elfstones does not come as easily to him as it did to Shea, and this coupled with his own fear of the Elfstones’ magic and his internal conflict over doing harm after having pledged his life to being a Healer hampers his ability to use them effectively.

Allanon – The powerful last Druid of Paranor, this human has mastered many forms of magic and is perfectly willing to hide most or all of the truth from those he protects or leads in order to achieve his goals. Together with Shea Ohmsford and others he defeated the Warlock Lord in the most recent War of the Races. Now, fifty years later, Allanon has returned, apparently without having aged a single day, and he gives Wil Ohmsford the job of protecting Amberle Elessedil.

Amberle Elessedil – An Elven princess and the granddaughter of the current King of the Elves, Eventine Elessedil. She is the daughter of his youngest son, Aine (deceased). Selected by the Ellcrys to be a member of the Chosen, Amberle at first enjoys the attention from the Ellcrys but soon becomes disturbed by the sentient tree’s overbearing nature and her relationship to it, and she spurns her duty as a Chosen and leaves the Elven city of Arborlon. She is later convinced by Allanon and Wil to return to Arborlon, and she ultimately decides to take on the job of restoring the Ellcrys.

Eventine Elessedil – King of the Elves who worked with Allanon and Shea Ohmsford to defeat the Warlock Lord. Fifty years later, he is still the leader of the Elves and still a strong, capable man despite his age. He has three sons; Arion, Ander, and Aine (deceased).

Ander Elessedil – Son of Eventine, and uncle of Amberle.

Eretria – a human girl raised since childhood by the rover Cephelo, giving a lot of trouble to Wil and the Elves but eventually becoming their ally in their mission to restore the Ellcrys’ health.

Stee Jans – Known as the “Iron Man”, he commands the legendary Free Corps of the Border Legion. This small but fierce force is sent to aid the Elves and they play a pivotal role in the defense of the Westland during the War of the Forbidding.

The Ellcrys – A magical and sentient tree with silver bark and crimson red leaves, created by Elves eons ago in the midst of a great war in order to banish the Demons to a dimension called the Forbidding. So long as she stands and remains healthy, the Ellcrys will keep the Demons locked away in the Forbidding. The Ellcrys does age and die, requiring a rebirth, but its lifespan is on the order of centuries and millennia. As the tree weakens, the seal keeping Demons locked away in the Forbidding also weakens. She can communicate telepathically and can move her branches to touch people in greeting. Her bark is warm to the touch and she can give pieces of herself if necessary, as when she produced an “Ellcrys staff” for Allanon. Every year the Ellcrys chooses a select group of young Elves called the Chosen to care for her. The Chosen are almost always men; Amberle Elessedil is the first woman selected in centuries.

Dagda Mor (demon) – For this and the other demon characters, see Shannara § Characters.

Changeling (demon)

The Reaper (demon)

Moyosoluwa Junaid
17 min
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