The Wonderful World of Completely Random Facts

random: proceeding, made, or occurring without definite aim, reason, or pattern

fact: A thing that is indisputably the case

Put these together, and this is what you get. Loads of random facts.


Scientists estimate that on Jupiter and Saturn it commonly rains diamonds, about 1,000 tons a year. Data suggest that carbon is present in the atmosphere of the planet in its crystal form because lightning storms turn methane into carbon. As it falls it hardens into graphite, and eventually diamonds, until it hits the liquid, molten surface of the planets and melts.

Donna Griffith of Worcestershire, England is credited with the longest recorded bout of sneezing. It lasted 978 days, from January 1981 to September 1983. She began her sneezing episode at the age of twelve. It began with a sneeze every minute, but as the months and years went by it increased to every 5 minutes. Doing some rough math, that’s approximately over 280,000 sneezes if she sneezed every five minutes.

Daniel Ganninger
16 min
96 cards

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