Top 5 Julianne Moore

Julianne Moore is an American actress born in 1960 from North Carolina. Moore got her start in acting in the mid to late 80’s starring in a lot of daytime soap operas before transitioning to supporting film roles in the early nineties before becoming the leading lady in films that we know today. Moore is also a five time Oscar nominee (2 for supporting, 3 for lead) and scoring a win in her most recent nomination (lead) for her turn in the highly acclaimed drama Still Alice (2014), and I’m sure there will be many more nominations and possibly wins from her before she calls it quits on her career. These are her top five films:

5. Kingsman: The Golden Circle (2017)

Kingsman: The Golden Circle is a 2017 action-comedy film that is the sequel to the 2014 film Kingsman: The Secret Service, both of which are directed by Matthew Vaughn. Starring in this one are leftovers from the first film such as Taron Egerton, Colin Firth, and Mark Strong. While also introducing newcomers Julianne Moore, Pedro Pascal, and even Jeff Bridges. In this film Julianne Moore plays an evil villain who controls the drug movement across all of the countries and in order to make herself even richer hatches up a plan to make drugs legal across the world. So it is up to the Kingsman and their U.S counterparts the Statesmen to stop her.

Now I have to say that for the most part I thought that this film was worse than it’s predecessor. However there were two things in my opinion that this film improved on. First was that this film had an epic cameo by Elton John that the first one lacked and secondly was Julianne Moore performance as the villain. While her performance was over the top and a little bit corny I thought it fit with the movie better than what Samuel L. Jackson did in the first. Some will argue that this movie does not belong on this list, and maybe when I get around to seeing some of Julianne’s other films, it’ll bump it off but for now I can’t think of a better film to fall into the number five slot.


4. Boogie Nights (1997)

Boogie Nights is a 1997 drama film directed by the great Paul Thomas Anderson about the porn industry and the rise through it of a young kid named Dirk Diggler (Mark Wahlberg). It stars Wahlberg in it along with supporting performances from Julianne Moore and Burt Reynolds.

Now from start to finish Mark Wahlberg is the star of this film, as the whole film revolves around his character. However Julianne Moore turns in a hell of a supporting performance in this movie, as his mentor of sorts. Her performance was so good in fact that it netted her, her first Academy Award nomination in the supporting performance category. Her and Wahlberg had great chemistry throughout the film and you could tell that she really committed to the role, but I mean with Julianne Moore I’m not sure I would expect any less. This film shows how quickly someone can rise up, and in any industry no less, and then just as quickly struggle not to lose it all. And I think that it really impactful and especially still in today’s world, I definitely see no problem putting this in her top five.


Will Draugelis
5 min
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