
Language is an art form, an expression of our souls. May we surpass our materialistic needs and transcend into a greater sense of being; to the heart of our thoughts and the depths of ourselves. Let us explore our humanities and soar, free from the chains of society and the limit in our minds.




Like the passing of dusk, you left me

Quietly, like a gust of wind; I bid thee —

Safe trip to Gilead, carefree!


Like the gentle breeze, you passed me.

In your place, the frost that settled — it bit me;

Nothingness permeated me fully…


Till one night, the pain hits me

And from the stinging, ringing sounds — I flee

To my chamber, where mini paper cranes missed thee.


Alienated from cries of glee, I slumber

Days end, I blunder; every night I hear roaring thunder,

As no rainbows were left in me.


Two years ago this December,

Sirens awoke me, and with a pounding heart I ran

Past the memories of you before me.


In my silence I cried out,

Fear swelling up inside me.

As I looked into your eyes, where soul and body meet


The ghostly ghastly remains

Were wisps of what you used to be,

Yet my only endeavor

Was to sit by and watch you warily


Hoping one day you’ll wake up

And smile at me cheerfully

As if you’d never slept

Past Christmas, New Years and months of agony.


Never did I realize

How much you had meant to me

Till the day you left,

Smiling ever so peacefully.


The dying embers of a furnace

Were rekindled, swirling furiously

Among words unsaid, memories not made;

Licking tear-blotched pages angrily.


Blood-red Anthurium,

Blooming through the burst of flame;

Cackling, crackling,

Feeding upon the prayers in your name.


Hidden mask, changing fast, months passed —

Seasons changed at long last.

Yet to this day, my heart still holds

The blank epitaph.



Dear You_who_just_walked_in



Dear You-who-just-walked-in,

I was thinking about mitochondria and chloroplasts,

Fascinated by their folds and particles,

Intertwined among chromosomes 21 and 23,

Buried in my own sea of curiosity.


Dear You-who-just-walked-in,

I was thinking about my life and all the greatness in my future

Daydreaming about the day I break free of societal chains,

Or even, the day I break society’s chains,

Soaring ever further beyond the horizon.

But no more.


In you walked with your strong bodily perfume,

And in the instant the smell reached my nostrils, all my thoughts dissipated.

All my curiosity gone, all my dreams, no more.

All that filled my mind was the strong, unrelenting smell of your perfume

And that was all.


It lingered in your steps and radiated from your body,

Permeating thoughts and dreams alike.

Perforating this small peaceful corner,

This small peaceful corner that took me an eternity to find.

My safe haven in this endlessly bustling world…

But no more.



2 min
4 cards

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