Traversing the Traction Gap





Wildcat developed the Traction Gap® Framework to help entrepreneurs address these questions.

The Traction Gap is the period between a startup’s initial product release and the product’s ability to generate traction in the market.

This go-to-market hurdle is the demanding phase that can destroy startups. Just when they need to establish a foothold in the market, they fail to create the traction they need to secure their next round of financing. This is the Traction Gap.

In this series we will provide go-to-market tips, tricks and techniques to help startups secure their next round of financing and ultimately traverse the Traction Gap.

The Traction Gap Meets Crossing the Chasm

Crossing the Chasm and The Traction Gap provide playbooks for how to navigate the series of changes startups need to make on their journey’s to scale.

Crossing the Chasm focuses on the external market dynamics including technology adoption and a changing customer base.

The Traction Gap, by contrast, focuses on the internal operating dynamics and what is needed with each round of funding in order to ensure a higher valuation in the next round.

Geoff Moore explains it in more detail here.

Why 80% of All Startups Fail, and What You Can Do to Succeed

Wildcat Venture Partners
4 min
13 cards

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