Unexpected; unpredictable; and untamed.

He Reminds Me What It’s Like To be in Love

Obviously, he’s a type of guy that I once swore I’d never date. He’s not a type of guy who would treat me like a princess; he’s not a type of guy who would shower me with gifts; he’s not a type of guy who would put me before anything else, he’s a contrast comparison of other guys I’ve dated.

But he has this effortless charm I couldn’t resist, he has the most contagious laugh, he has the ability to soothe my worn-out soul. Something about him is disturbingly comforting. And most importantly, he achieved the almost impossible task of convincing me to give love another chance. He had successfully stole my heart and made myself believe that I deserve to be genuinely happy and in love.

When I fist met him, I was really intoxicated. All I wanted was a one-night stand. And there he was sitting in the same table and I just couldn’t help myself not to flirt with him. He wasn’t an eye candy, he wasn’t a head-turner, but then again, I just knew that there was something about him that is intriguing. We talked all night, we kissed, and he took me home. He didn’t say a word about his relationship status. So, I automatically assumed that he wasn’t seeing anyone. The next day, we couldn’t stop texting each other. I still had no clue that he had a girlfriend. Until finally he told me that he’s in a relationship with someone. Clearly I was shocked. But then again I’ve got nothing to lose, we just met, we kissed, it wasn’t a big deal.

Turned out, I can’t trust my judgment, cause it was, it was a huge deal. We talked to each other every single day, I’m not a believer of love at first sight, but with him, it was different. Sure at first it wasn’t love, it was probably lust. But I felt that click. There was just this click the first time we talked. Started with texting, and somehow it developed to video calls. We video called almost every night until one day — I didn’t know where this stupid idea came from — we decided to actually have an intercourse.

Little Miss Vixen
13 min
26 cards

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