Veganism at the bottom of the world

Monday 28th January

Sydney International Airport

I am currently at the airport waiting to board me flight. I wasn’t even all that sad to say goodbye to my family because I was so preoccupied with feelings of gratefulness and excitement.

I conceived my research project early last year and to think about how much it has grown and taken shape is so interesting. I never could have imagined that almost three years ago when I decided to go vegan and this is where life would end up. I am going to the South Island of New Zealand to research veganism, vegan societies (yes they exist) and vegan people and places. My university has essentially funded me to go on a vegan expedition. I anticipate my days will be filled with vegan cafes, vegan meet ups, reading, writing and probably some nature walks, yoga, meditation and Netflix (for sanity purposes).

I have been thinking about it, even if my project turns out to be absolute crap and the thesis I write is a bit pooey, at least I got to try and, at least I had people around me who had faith in my abilities and my overall project.

So here’s to giving it a go… No idea how this is going to pan out. I have a rough plan and set dates for interviews and meet ups, and many free days in between to really ~immerse~ myself into the South Island vegan scene. Maybe in another blog post I will contextualise my project more but for now, this is just an intro — more to come soooooooooon!

p.s. the article was spotted at the airport — I am that millennial!!!!

M Boj
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