we all have different kinds of feelings and emotions.

we all have different kinds of feelings and emotions. but do we really control our feelings or emotions?

well in today’s life its quite important to control feelings and emotions. as we know that emotions are the reaction of our feelings so how to control them ?

well people many times react and make a mess in public what if they are able to control there feelings?

well controlling feelings are important because feelings can be sometimes your weakness and who loves to show there weakness to anyone to control your feelings you need to meditate and stay clam control your anger control your emotional breakdown sometimes people get emotionally breakdown it doesn’t means you are weak its just you cant control your feelings towards your emotions

different kinds of feelings:-

people usually have the same feelings like:- sad,angry,happy,scary etc

but do you know that feelings come from situations different situations create different feelings.

so when you get control on your feelings you can easily control situations too.

like for example your girlfriend broke up with you what will you do ?

cry, be sad etc

where you have a different option!

like you can show you are clam and you understand her you talk to her to try to make things okay even if you are hurt inside crying and in a lot of pain not to loss her. you still show you are brave and talk to her make things work again.

Sameer malde
1 min
3 cards

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