whole 30

the beginning

so whole 30.

i said id never do it again but here i am.

picture this, tara stovall, her in n out shake, and a google doc.

all key ingrediants.

tara is a main reason i even decided to do whole 30 again. i did it with her a year ago and it was painful, but here i am cause if my friend says i should do something, i do it.

the in n out shake, a symbol of celebration, a last hoorah. so much dairy, a big no no on the whole 30. tara is enjoying her last sips of freedom.

the google doc. this time we are planning. about a year ago i think i ate potatoes and broccoli every night for a month. does that help explain why i ate a dairy queen blizzard for breakfast the day after the whole 30? but this time like the adults we are, we are meal prepping and planning actual meals.

i want this not to be a means to becoming skinny, but rather to the appreciation of foods that our bodies were created to eat. a time of challenging ourselves in a world with processed foods being literally everywhere.

i think tara and the google doc will help me on the whole 30, but not so much the in n out shake.

day 1

so i made it!

one day at least!

today was so busy i didn’t really have the time to think of to to crave unhealthy foods but i did have opportunities where i could have broken and i didn’t.

let me first list what i’ve eaten today:

breakfast: two eggs with nutritional yeast and hot sauce

lunch: an apple and almonds

dinner: two hard boiled eggs, grapes and apple slices and banana.

snacks: some cashews and seaweed chips.

now for the events of the day;

it all started with going to flowing wells for lunch club which was so sweet. today was a wonderful day man!!!! should i make a blog post about lunch club? maybe i’ll do that. the presence or absence of that post will alert any viewers to my decision.

anywho! so at lunch club there was pizza (i did not consume any) and games and fun and a talk at the end just tellin kids they are loved

after lunch club i ran home, changed into my work clothes and then headed to a senior leader meeting to discuss the semester and there were these oatmeal cookies that smelt sooooo good but i didn’t eat any.

i left the meeting early then to go to work. i had a fairly long shift today but i loved who i was working w which was fun. shifts like today make me question getting paid for work cause i enjoy it so much. but i was pretty hungry at work due to a lack of planning on my end for food and on starbucks end there is a lack of whole 30 approved food.

i had a wonderful day though. almost day 2.

day 2

honestly, i would be a little shocked if anyone could make it through reading about what i ate for a day and then decide they wanted to read more.

maybe you clicked on this on accident, maybe you just really love me so have decided to spend some of your valuable moments reading about my eating for the day.

really this is a way for me to process my reasoning for trying to eat better in a healthy way, and to have something to look back on when im done! okay side note sometimes im so sentimental it hurts.

yes, imagine me, 35 years old reading this and thinking dang! that would fulfill all my sentimental desires. (just me or does the word desire kind of make you feel weird? could not think of a synomym though so let the word desire reign)

so my eats for the day;

breakfast: two eggs, some green bell peppers and some salami

lunch: a banana (i ate breakfast at like 11 am)

dinner: roasted vegetable salad from sauce and a berry kombucha

snack: some cashews, almonds and plantain chips

today was good, i woke up, went to work and then i came home got dinner with Julia Epstein and then i worked out!

last year when i did the whole 30 i was not working out consistently through out it and thats a change i want to make this time aroud.

i dont want this to be a 30 day thing that i binge eat after, i kind of want it to set the tone for how i approach food moving forward- which sounds so dramatic and so midlife crisis BUT i do want to respect the body i was given and put good foods into it.

i am not sure how i am going to balance eating the right foods after this and also not depriving myself of everything. if i eat one bad thing i just want to eat it all and then i feel sick. but one change i know im making after day 30 is i am eating hummus.

maybe thats what ill treat myself with.

is the suspense killing you?

Karli Schmidt
41 min
30 cards

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