Wholefoods Challenge

Wholefoods living one day at a time!

I eat therefore I am. What’s not to love about having a fast metabolism where you can eat all the desserts in the world and still stay slim without exercise. This all changed when I watched DW Documentary on Better brain health.

SUGAR ADDICTION IS REAL!!! Face with the choice between sugar and drug, the mouse goes for sugar EVERY single time.

I still have strong urges to eat sugary products even though I have been on this no sugar journey for almost a year. Follow me as I dedicate this series to myself to stay committed on this path.

Here’s a toast to your health!

7 days, 7 dishes. One theme. This week is to eat the colors of the rainbow.

A different color each day starting with red.

Rules of the challenge:

  1. No artificial colors.
  2. As healthy as possible.
  3. Cook. Or cook not. There is no try. (Actually I am also trying)
Daily Eats
3 min
20 cards

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