Women & Weights

I stepped foot on the weight floor almost 3 years ago. It took a lot of courage and a huge push from my brother.

Like in sports or big business, women sometimes find themselves behind men. It is a worthwhile struggle to increase our knowledge and skills in all aspects of life to catch up and excel.

The weight floor is no exception. It is time to jump off the never ending cardio wheel and benefit from a healthy routine of weight lifting.

In the end, you will achieve more than just results. You will have earned your place on the weight floor with confidence and knowledge.

Click and Read->There are 3 Types of Women You Will Encounter in the Gym.
  1. Cardio Bunnies- Too much cardio can actually hinder weight loss and harm your health.
  2. #Instahoes (gym edition)- Focusing on lower body lifting for social media butt posts.
  3. Balanced Lifter- A woman who balances strategic lifting and a healthy amount of sustainable cardio.
We all make mistakes in the gym. Learning and building experience take time and research.

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