Worldwide — Major Events (2019–2020)

Worldwide I

Summary of major news


AUSTRIA, JANUARY — legalises same sex marriage

USA, JAN — US charges Huawei with fraud — theft of tech, obstruction of justice and bank fraud

QATAR withdraws from OPEC

CHINA accomplishes first landing on far side of moon — this side of the moon never faces the Earth so a relay satellite would be required to carry out any mission (Queqiao)

MOZAMBIQUE, MARCH — Cyclone IDAI wreaks havoc in the country along with neighbouring Zimbabwe and Malawi.

UK, APRIL — Julian Assange arrested after 7 years of taking refuge in the Ecuadorian embassy, London.

UKRAINE, APRIL — Ukranian comedian Volodymyr Zelensky wins Presidential election taking more than 73% votes — People’s party

VENEZUELA, APRIL — Uprising against Incumbent President Nicolar Maduro organised by Opposition leader Juan Gaido

TAIWAN, MAY — Legalises same sex marriage

BRAZIL, JUNE — Marta #10 becomes top scorer in FIFA WORLD CUP (men’s and women’s) with 17 surpassing Miroslav Klose’s record


USA, OCTOBER — ISIS leader Abu Bakr Al Baghdadi killed himself amidst the US attack in Northwest Syria

FINLAND, DECEMBER — Sanna Marin, Social Democrats Party becomes the youngest Prime Minister at 34

SRI LANKA, APRIL — A church in Negombo, North of Colombo was bombed by ISIS. 250 people killed and 500 injured. This happened on Easter Sunday.

NEW ZEALAND , MARCH 15TH — 50 people were killed in a shooting at mosques in Christchurch — the country’s worst ever mass shooting

2 Boeing 737 Max planes crashed within 5 months, the model was dropped — Lion Air from Jakarta crashed in Oct, 2018 and Ethiopian airlines crashed in March, 2019

FRANCE, APRIL 15TH — Rooftop of the Notre Dame catches fire

First ever picture of the black hole — it weighed as much as 6.5 billion suns

USA — Robert Mueller releases a 400 page case on Russian involvement in the US elections but there is not enough evidence so case is dismissed

UK, MAY — Prince Harry and Meghan welcomed their first baby, Archie

UK, JUNE — With Brexit logistics to be figured out, Theresa May resigned as PM

HONG KONG, OCTOBER — Protests started out against an extradition (criminal suspects will be extradited to mainland China for official indictment) bill but turned into a student led unrest protest against Chinese government for exerting more control. Students demanded democratic changes to the laws.

USA , JULY — USA Football team won their 4th World Cup

BRAZIL AND AMAZON FOREST, AUGUST — more than 74,000 forest fires had been reported (2x that of 2018–40k)

USA, AUGUST — Jeffrey Epstein committed suicide while his trail on sec trafficking was on

USA, AUGUST — shootings at Walmart by a white man (Patrick Crusius) killed 22 people — hate crime against Mexicans

USA, SEPTEMBER — Greta Thunberg gave a speech at UN. Time Magazine named her Person of the Year

SPACE, OCTOBER — First all female space walk — Jessica Meir and Christina Koch

NEW ZEALAND, DECEMBER — Volcano erupted killing 16 people visiting at the time

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